Lego Movie

Nov ppe 2023 

Monday 22nd January 24. 


tt fusion 


build up exitment/ premier 

profit from cinema makes lots of money. 

awards- only nominated if in cinema first for release. 


learn more about the characters released the video game first. learn more about the characters as there are lots of characters. extends life of the film. more money 


Read the question!

convention= what is expected. 

intro to characters, fast pace clips narrated , msuic in the back round, promotes the film, inter titles, release dates, who made it. 

Wednesday 14th September 22 

l/o:to understand the narrative and characters in the lego movie.

diffrent people in the lego movie:

.super man


.wonder women

.green lantin

.the green ninja


.han solo 




.shaq o neel

.robben hood 



Wednesday 21st september 22 

1)the story is about a single lego person called "emmet" he is a normal person who works normally as a lego person in the story. However one day he comes across a special peace called "the peace of resistance" which is how they win against the villain president business. but when the story continues the characters, wildstlile batman vitreous and others who helped him go to the kragle to stop it. this ends up as an entrence to g oput it on the kragle in the big tower. which ends up in the human world with a childs imagination controlling everything. howerver the dad is controling and wants it to have order just like president buisness does.

2)the main theme is that control and order dosent help the world and imagination does so if theres only controle and order we cant invent and move forward. this is shown in the film when the child takes over the city and makes it all a imaginative land.we all need an imagination.

3)the list of carhicters and who they were voiced by.


Wednesday 21st September 22

l/o: to research the proses, companies and regulators behind the film industry.

1. production is when you make the film and film edit so how it was made, distrabution is when they send out trailers and other leaks and give it out, exibition ias when they send out  the film to be watched in cinima and on dvd.

2.this is a big media producer like warner bros or disney.✅

3.The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)✅

4.the gave the lego movie a U✅

5.the Video Standards Council✅

6.the gave it a pegi7✅

7.lin pictures, warner bros ✅

8.Phil Lord ,Christopher Miller✅

9.TT fusion ✅

10.warner bros ✅

11.the advertising standards authority.  ✅

Wednesday 28 September 22


1. classify products(normally by age rating)

2. Ensures content of products meats acceptable standards 

the bbfc gave the film a u rating because of the bad language. this means that the audience can be watched by every one can watch it so its good because it reaches the right audience. 

1. its important so then it protects the younger and venerable audience. without this some people may attempt to rein act it in real life. this also helps perenets choose what to pick for there children. was important that it got a 7 so that it could be played by there younger audience that actually game. these people are usually about 7 or above.


vertical integration helps increase profits because it gives the main company all the money from all the brands you own. also it increase exposure because you own so many companies. this helps so you have a video game a film or any other one. this helps make people with ideas pick you. both these advantages help loads when it comes to film. for example the lego movie which was made by warner bros who used this.

Wednesday 5th October 22
Narrative Theory.

L/O:to explore the narrative and apply narrative theory to the lego movie.


The lego movie is a post modernist film because it mixes with the genres, comedy action adventure. it also challenges the typical character roles. but it imitates different films, the matrix, and shows a light on capitalism a the part when the coffee is 10 quid. also its hyper-reality which makes the audience aware that its a film by throwing emmet into the real world.

1. equilibrium:everything is normal emmet goes to work after having his over priced coffee and saying hi to everyone.

2. disruption:lord business gets the kragle which is the main weapon off vitrouves and trys to freeze evry one.

3. recognition of disruption:emmet finds the kragles lid after shouting at wildstile.

4. attempt to solve:a bunch of master builders(wildstile batman vetruives ) and emmet go on a massive adventure to get to the big main villains head quaters. which houses the kragle. then emmet trys to solve it but fails then talks to lord buisness and solves it

5. new equilibrium:every one can build what they want do what they want as well.

the hero=emmet

the villain=lord business

the donor=Vitruvius

the helper=lucy

the princess=the glue

the dispatcher =Vitruvius

the princess father=Vitruvius

the false hero=Lucy

Wednesday 12th October 22 
Target audience.

LO:to identify the target audience demographics and psychographics. 

The Lego Movie appeals to young children through the bright coulers, lego and the comedic jokes.also it would appeal in other ways to teens through the young actors ,Chris Pratt and Elizabeth Banks, these are young appealing to the young. also Wildstile is a emo person which at that time was popular in the young audience. but its not only for them parents would see it with there children. so how would it appeal to them, well it has some nostalgic characters such as Benny the space man which was a famous lego figue to them in the 1980s. it also has good morals making the parents think its  good. its also got every thing for every gender, batman for males, Unikittnes for females also emmet and Wildstile. 


1.a big part to play in the building blocks of success is that its about lego is already a massive brand without the film so more people would go and watch the film because a lot of people have played with or know lego

2.they brought in phil lord and Christopher miller so they can make a good film that all audiences would want to watch instead of a bad film that only children would watch. makes the younger geniration buy lego movie dvd and then once they grow up they feel a lot of nostalgia and probably show it to their children and the cycle continue.


1.people go to the cinema to feel emotions and the lego movie promotes that threw nostalgia and comedic forms.

2.the lego movie makes us think and question are selves and viset deep thoughts which are within us.

3.its knows who would watch it, the kids or the players, the parents or the buyers and other adults the nostalgers The Lego Movie has used simple slap stick it appeal to kids cultural things for teens and nostalgia with good morals.


In broadcast programming and motion pictures, a tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio or television network. It is an analogy for the way a strong central pole provides a stable structure to a tent.

The Lego Movie is a tent ole production because it helps warner bros make more high risk films. this means it supports the franchise.

the benefits of this for warner bros are it gets more money to make more films.

the lego movie, the lego batman, lego ninjago, lego movie 2.

lego movie comes out on march 2024




l/o:to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie: to link the methods used to target the audience. 

adverts,film posters,trailers, teasers, billboards, video game, merch,   actors talk about it, social media, movie premier,  


1. 17 lego world sets

2. sticker book 



5. plushes

6.16 mini figues 

7. the video game

8. range of school supplies 

they made mcdoanlds toys, happy meal

they realsed a new character poster every week n January 

they dressed up the website to the lego movie film



 lego stores had events 

free accessory packs in stores linked to lego movie 

video game realised before the movie 

week before the lego movie cups in mcdoanlds 

website made your self into a lego character. 

in dancing on ice at 7.27pm on Sunday 9th February 2014 five days before the movie ITV broadcast a world first an ad break made entirely out of lego.

british heart foundation,, BT,premier inn

6milion people saw it live and over a mil saw it on youtube. this  was with no paid digitaal optimisation. 

they took over a itv primetime ad break becuse this has loads of adults and kids watching (over 6 milion).this was to promote it which made it 5 times more none this was followed up on twiter and made it viral. this was a big thing for the film. also using large brands with none adverts made it better. as well; the companies wanted this to gane more consumers so they paid to make there own lego ads. they also put it on to youtube strate away to get an  additional million views. 

Wednesday 2nd November 22 


l/o:to evaluate the methods used to market The Lego Movie to link the methods to the audience.

warner brothers made there logo lego in the trailer because its a lego film and how its a hole lego world. 

they show the logo first so it attracts views who like warner bro films to watch it. 

EQUILIBRIUM:emmet is watching the tv 

DISTRUPTION:lord business tells everyone if they dont follow instructions you will be put to sleep

RECOGNITION:when emmet said that we will be put to sleep

ATTEMPT TO SOLVE:every one fighting get on to the exiting action bit which every one is interested in. this makes it more fast pace and eye catching then if it was all the equilibrium

2.there attention spam is very small so they need it to be fast so then they don't just walk away. 


1.this is used to show the main characters in the film.

2.this is to show the lego worlds and who they are fighting. show that they are two main characters, heros and the braver stronger characters. 


1.its used to explain who people are and who the main character is. also who the main villain is. 

2.this exites people and makes people look at the trailer. shows it an action film

3.its used to make there be introductions to inter tittle and the action. also its combined with explosions to make you look at the trailer and makes it more dramatic. it intensifies as it goes on.


1.the shorter the cuts make it more exiting.

2.this appeals to adults and parents which make them want to take there children because it looks good.

3.they do this to make it more intense.


1.the various locations shown are to show its an action adventure

2.its really colourful to make it appeal to kids

3.we can tell who the good and bad guys are.

Wednesday 9th November 22 

Explain how The Lego Movie trailer uses two elements of media language to target deferent audiences.

One key media element used in The Lego Movie trailer is Mise-en-sense. This is used in the trailer to attract the younger audience through bright colours which attracts there eyes to want to watch it .this can be seen through out the trailer with the characters being colourful and the landscape. .it also makes it look good for the young. also the use of editing is use to make adults want to watch it as well through critics views such as the guardian and other newspapers saying its good. this would make them want to watch it because they have said its good. also it makes them want to take there kids saying its funny and child friendly. 


Wednesday 9th November 22 


l/o:to explain how vertical integration benefits companies; to analyses using uses and gratification theory. fusion✅

2.warner bros✅

3.7th February 2014✅

4.action adventure✅

5.Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation®3, PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita, Wii U™, 3DS™ and PC✅

6.story mode, split screen, ✅

2.harry potter and a half blood prince 
4.iron man 
5.assins creed origins 

simultaneous releases:


.more money


.extends pleasure of the film

.cross promotion



1. it applies to the video game because some one may like to follow instructions and play a builder or be creative and play a master builder.
2.they may get information about the film from playing the game.
3.when playing it you get entertained. can play split screen or talk about it. 

In the trailer it says you can be entitand by the  game by having fun and then social interaction by playing with your friends which combine to make an entertaining experience. You can see this by them being distracted by the world.



L/O:to explain the effectiveness of the campaign: to analyse the representation on the campaign

man in a black suit 
bat symbol on fire 
buildings in the background
lots of smoke 

the man looks dark, evil because of the dark clothing and his very serious face as if he has done something ilegal .

the buildings look destroyed as if someone has destroy it  in a rage .

the fire symbol could mean he defeated or its furious and wants to destroy.

the low angel shot could mean he the hero of the film or the main villain.

 The colour pallet is very colourful and is used to show how it is a children's game and a 7+. this also shows how its fun and connotes its imaginative nature. The lego is made out of lego which shows how it is a lego game and the font is very big and blocky similarly lego is blocky. The lego logo is there to show how it actually is an authentic game so every one knows it is the real thing the colours are bright and not violent and sharp. 

The main villain is shown right in the back round and is very big showing his control on the bad guys in the back round. This shows how he's the ultimate boss unlike the other smaller characters in the background.  But the main characters good guys are at the font holding the tools which can be used in the video game. the world there in is a city which could be one of the levels .

The values could be team work with all the main characters looking like they all help each other this can be seen with the distance between them and there stances they look very heroic. also bat man in the background may attract people who like him to play the game. Also all the main characters are seeable .



In the lM poster the tagline "the story of a nobody who saved everybody" would appeal to the older target audience (parents). this is because it connotes good morals and if the films about that the parents would want to take there kids to see and how they can be anything. this also does because Emmett a normal person is the underdog.

It also appeals to teenagers because of the image of batman at the front. this is because teenagers would like this because batman's in it. If they have seen other batman films they would want to see this one with him in it. also superman being also in the poster would attract them to see it as well. This would inspire them to take there younger siblings with them to.

The poster would also appeal to the young audience because of the bright colours pallet and colourful characters. These colours are bright and connotes fun which promotes imagination. this also keeps it stuck in there mind for longer so they remember about it. This would attract them because they like bright colours and colours. This is because it attracts there attention and makes them want to look at it and see the film.


Wednesday 30th November 22


Use accurate spelling and punctuation and grammar 

explain why certain elements of media language appeal to the TA

use the peel chain to structure your analysis

use connotations to explain the appeal


L/O: to analyse the representations throughout The Lego Movie promotional campaign


1. she is always looking serious or happy unlike emmet who's always screaming this challenges stereotypes because she is represented as brave and strong. but she is also stereotypical because of her looks like her hair highlights.

2.trailer and video game trailer, wildstyle was fighting in the mane trailer and was not scared like emmet was. also took charge talking to the bad guys. This is challenging the stereotypes. in the video game trailer she is still challenging the stereotype apart from the start were she is meant to be seen as the prise.

Wednesday 7th December 22


1)Bob:he is a man who is english and straight and has only one arm.

2)Phoenix: is a man who is Scottish and trans and is not disabled and morbidly obese. 

3)Eugene: is pansexual and is it is african American and is a man.

4)Jessica: is a woman and is straight  she is english and not disabled.

5)Alex: is a women and is straight and Irish and lives in not very nice neighbour hood  and likes potatoes. 

Age is represented in the Lego Movie  poster campaign through the two characters Vitruiveus and Lord Business. This is because they are older than he rest of the characters. this is seen with the fact that the have wrinkles on there face.  this goes with the stereotypes because Vitriuvies is an old wizard and how lord business is the villain and is older like usual. 


Wednesday 4th January 23


L/O:to explore exam style questions and how to answer them effectively 

who regulates 


tv radio:OFCOM


magazines and newspaper:IPSO

video games:GRA


Wednesday 18th January 23     


for Q6 i need to revise who regulates films and video games in the uk and factual info and terminology, definitions

for Q7 you need to fully explain all reasons and revise how the film industry functions and the difference between vertical integration and horizontal. 

for Q8 i need to remember to revise promotional campaign and all the elements used and how they are attracting young old or girls and boys.

for Q9 i need to explain the points in more detail and remember the trailers just incase.


in the lego movie poster campaign they challenge typical gender stereotypes by using the charicter wildstyel who is presented as strong and serious which is juxtaposed by emmet who is screaming. this is unlike a main male character in an action film. also the use of makeup on wildstyel goes with traditional stereotypes.

wildstyle in the main lego movie poster looks serious and ready to go. she looks ready to fight the bad guys and be strong. this is seen with her facial expressions. with her being angry also makes her look ready to go. also on her own poster she looks like shes happy wich could mean she insnt scared unlike emmet.

emmet is screaming in both his posters which is unlike a normal action film were the man is usually the serious one and ready to go. but he is screaming running from the problem. this is in both posters so he is scared. however him being at teh front of the main poster is liek a traditional action poster were the man is at teh front dominant.

also wildstyles looks, lipsticks and mascara is a trdional feminim look also the highlights. this shows how traditional she is also. 


Monday 4th december 23 


film: ofcom✅

tv radio; ofcom ✅

advertising:ASA ✅

magazines and newspaper:IPSO✅

video games: video standard council

target audience is family


uses and gratification 

Personal identity: identifying with that thing. identify with a certain character or figure

Information: found out more about something like characters in the film. 

Entertainment: it is entertaining to watch and play the video game 

Social interaction: playing the split screen game with a friend or family. talking about the advert which happened. 

intertextuality= batman 

stereotypes E.G wild style has makeup on and the older characters look more serious. 

video game 

p-there are over 90 characters that you can play so you can play the ne you like the most

i-how the characters act and you can find out more about the film and characters

e-you get entertained by playing the game 

s-its split screen and so you can play with friends 

ad break 

british heart foundation 



premier inn


  1. Excellent notes Olly- you clearly understand the target audience, its appeal & the industry elements.

  2. THEORY & AUDIENCE: good notes

    MARKETING CAMPAIGN: clearly understood

    VIDEO GAME Q: good solid answer

    WWW: you identified three different elements and explained their appeal
    EBI: you used the terms CONNOTES/CONNOTATIONS

    POSTER ANALYSIS [10]: excellent!
    WWW:you've correctly explained three elements and their appeal
    EBI: try not to write that the colour palette would appeal because it is bright! Explain WHY!


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