Television Industries and Audience                                                              Wednesday 15th November 23


to research the history, companies and regulates in the television industry. 


publicly owned tv Chanel's:owned by government this is like a psb were its for the benefit of the public funded by tv licence. E.G bbc

commercial tv channel: this is a channel there to only get money.E.G ITV channel 5 cartoon network.

Convergence: making a product available across different platforms, in order to reach different audiences

watershed:The watershed means the time when TV programmes which might be unsuitable for children can be broadcast.

segmented market: Essentially, it's a method that businesses can use to split their customer base or audience based on similarities they share.

mainstream: this is the main media such as new up to date things and big companys are main stream.

self-regulating:this is were the company regulates its self so if its age restricted or not.

franchise: the right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory.

channel surfing: the action or practice of quickly looking at one television channel after another by use of a remote control.

psb:this is a public servise broadcast so its there for the befit of the public.

tv licence:this is a tax which gives the bbc there money to produce films and other media products.

scheduling:when they are planed to be on the tv.

conglomerate:A conglomerate is a type of multi-industry company that consists of several different and unrelated

2.3 bbc 1 bbc 2 and itv 
3.1955 because they were a commercial tv channel unlike the others. channel 4 channel 3 channel 5 s4c 
6.self regulated and ita the 60s there were only a couple channels and there were specific laws like have to do 50 hours a week for broadcasting. also you could not channel surf that easy. it was in black and white. not much difference in the channels. 

Wednesday 22nd November 23 

television industries ownership and regulation. 
L/O:to explore the ownership and regulation of BBC 1 and ITV. 

tv is regulated by ofcom they carry out regualer reviews on bbc1 and itv.

1)a.Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".
b.1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them
2. To support learning for people of all ages
3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services
4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

5. To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world


2)1. To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them
2. To support learning for people of all ages
3. To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services
4. To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

Funding through the TV licence

A standard TV licence is currently £159

A TV licence is required if you:watch or record live TV programmes on any channel
download or watch any BBC programmes on iPlayer - live, catch up or on demand

This applies to any provider you use and any device, including a TV, desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, games console, digital box or DVD/VHS recorder.


2.Our purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.
3.itvx a steaming service

5.britains got tallent. island 
7.almost no remit 

Wednesday 13th December 23 
Tv audiences 
L/o: to explore how audience consume TV dramas and the appeals. 

streaming services 
socail media on phone 
normal tv 
gaming console 
on disc 
catch up services 

reasons why we watch live tv:
feels like we are there 
havent missed out
live votes (interactivity)
interacting with others wilst watching it. second screaning 

a passive audience means they accept the message and belive verthing the media tell them they are easily infulenced. 
an active audience is 

water shed is overseen by ofcom between 9pm 5:30am

TV drama :

2)peaky blinders 
3)stranger things 
4)the good doctor 
5)stranger things 
6)game of thrones 
7)a very english scandal 
Wednesday 10th January 24 
Do Now                                                      
rock music  
cold war  
The 1960s 
L/O:research the social, historical and political context of the avengers. 
5 keys things between 1961 to 1965
cuban missile crisis. 
john f Kennedy assassinated. 
Berlin wall
civil right act 
cold war 
contraceptive pill

most famous band was Beatles 
labour was in power James Harold Wilson 
yes drugs were a massive part of it. 
cold war, vietnam war. 
racism ,war, hippies 
it was very traditional in the 60s with the gender roles and very negative race stereotypes so there were lots of protests about it. 

Wednesday 17th January 24 
The avengers 
L/O:research the tv show the avengers. 
The avengers 1965:
1)abc television ,itv 
2)main stream adult audience secondary teens. 
3)7th January 1961
4)6 series 
5)21st april 1969
6)£1,456,000/56,000 per episode. 

they could pick better location sin season 4 and cameras 
the stars where a man and a women patrick mcnee (john stead)and diana rigg (emma peel)

showed Saturday nights at 9:05pm peek time. 

4th series attracted audiences of around 7mil. 

Wednesday 24h January 24
Do Now:
Its about spys and it had a deal with an american channel which gave it lots of money. it attracted a large audience. It was very adventures for tis time E.G a female protagonist. 
The Avenges:The town of No Return!
L/O:to explore the narratives, characters and appeal of series 4 episode 1. 

john stead 
mrs emma peel 

piggy warren 
mrs Manson 
tom Smallwood 
mr brandon 

Wednesday 31 January 24 
Do Now:
they go to a town at the cost which is presived as old then they find out that people aren't what they seem. in the end it turns out they are putting an army there by replacing the people in the town with the army. this was to invade.
John stead, mrs emma peel piggy waren mrs Manson tom small wood mr Brandon 
it shows it as the main character is a spy and there is lots of double crossing involved. 
it appeals to the audience as spy films(and programs)are of the time and popular. 

personal identity:
people may identify with john smith as they may be english and be like him because they are similar to him the older generation would like him as well because he is a well dressed . this is the same with emma peel as she is a strong women and so people may want to be like that the younger generation would like her as her fashion is new. there wealth could be seen as apserational as people want to be like him. 

you may get information about current events and the characters and what the episode is about. that women can be like men. information about spys and espionage. how the upper-class work. 

you can get entertained by watching it and finding new information out about it. the anti stereotypes. escapist and be able to disappear into the program. enjoy the danger. 

social interaction:
you can get it by talking to others about what has happend and the latest episodes. every would have watched it together. talk to coworkers. could build personal relationships with the characters. 

L/O:to analyse the influence of the social and historical context in the avenges. 

Cold War, tinned food, uniforms, weapons, submarines 
threat of nukes, 
threat of invasion, the plot, weapons, fight scenes 
espionage, emma peel and john steed are spys, the fake people in the village, 

Wednesday 7th February 24 
the town is represented as stereotypical as its characters are seen as stereotypical like the old fashion landlord at the bar which was a stereotypical officer in the army the props as well in the bar were stereotypical for a small town as its old fashion with lots of dark lighting whcih connotes oldnes. this i teh smae with the stereotypical fisherman at the start which had a sterotypical costume on whith teh yellow bib and bluw jumper which is normal for a small see side town.

the show was anti sterotypical as one of the main protagonists were female which went against the time as it was not usual for a female to be in this role however the class system was seen as stereotypical as they were presented as rich which was reinforced by the nice clothing and accents. and the stereotypical British manors were also presented as stereotypical. 

anti sterotypical:
she took down two men in fight 
she. found out about what was happening before steed 
clothing (mice-en-scene)
make up 

they are higher class as seen with there clothing and how they are presented which is well manord and well educated. 
they present the past with john steed whos clothing and style represent the old and emma peel whos fashion and ideology's are more modern. 

Wednesday 21st February 24 
The Avengers: Extract analysis
L/O:to explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract. 

Camara work:
shot types 

lighting(high key/low key)
costume hair+makeup 
setting (location)
performance style 
blocking(the composition of elements.)

Wedenday 28th febuary 24 
Extract analysis 
L/O:to explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract. 


match cut= graphic match. 

speed of edting and cutting on action:
this creates an action packed scene which exites the watcher and invsts them into the scene it also creates tension to see what will hapen. this shows teh trechery of the fight. this added movment furtehr shows teh stereotypical action of it. 

cut away 
this creates mystery of were she is and makes us as the watcher think where she is which builds more tesion and mystery to it investing us into plot. 


non-diegetic music:
this craetes tension nad a sence of danger and trechary as the musics volume contues to increase and deacrese which creates a feeling of danger and fear.

the dog sound:
this connotes a sence of fear and danger this contrapuntal sound maeks us feel sorry for emma peel as she is in sudden danger. this diegetic sound furtehr emphasis teh danger she is.
Do Now:                                                                                                                  Wednesday 6 march 24 work mice-en-scene editing sound
Extract analysis 
L/o: to explore extract based questions and how to answer them effectively 

1. how was camera work used to create meaning? 

camera work is used in the extract to create meaning by the use of angles. this is seen with the low angle shot on the blacksmith which creates an impression to the audience of his power as a low angle shot makes a person look powerful which in this case does. this links to the context of whats going on which is the fight they are having. 

camera work is also used in the fight scene to make an impression that john stead is scared this is seen in the high angle when we look down on him when he's on the floor this connotes fear and that he is being dominated this creates meaning as we feel bad for stead as the angle makes him seem in distress.


They have created tension through the use of editing. the fast pace cutting between john stead and the blacksmith during the fight crates tension as it shows the danger and fast pace action. this fast pace action makes the audience feel scared for him and puts the mon there edge of there seats. So this creates lots of tension. 

Language (media)

Intro-extract shows both st-ast
1.-Fight- mes steed v blacksmith men fighting sterotypical. 
2-steed rescuing peel. damsel in distress (propp). context 1960s stereotypical patriarchal society 
3-anti-sterotypes of peel explaining to steed role reversal change in 60s 

Do Now                                                                                                                 Wednesday 24 march 24 
less gender equality 
less race equality 
they watched tv on a television which you had to tune and was in black and white

TV in 2010s 
L/O:to explore the context of the 2010s and the effect on tv shows and audience. 

cuffs in 2015 
police procedural is day to day policing 
shown at 8pm on a Wednesday at 8pm 
cuffs series 1 ep 1

                                                                                                                            Wednesday 27th march 24
PC ryan Draper 
hes a 
PC Jake Vickers 
rookie who has not done neighbourhood and is chiefs son 
chief super intendant 
has a son whos a rookie. 

Do Now:
there are more female protagonists and more cultures in those postions as well. more accepting of diffrent sexuality's. shot in colour tech has got better 

Cuffs and audience appeal                                                                                   Wednesday 17th April 24

L/O:to analyse the appeals of TV drama

The hero: ryan draper hes the main hero as he protects jake and educates them whilst defeating crime. 
The villain: crime 
The donor: jo moffat
The helper donna prager she is there helping them defeat crime 
The princess : Jake vickers trying to educate him is the prize 
the princesses father :Robert vickers gives the main character a task to look after his son 
The dispatcher : station officer who tells them what to do 
The false hero :robert vickers 

Personal identity- people may watch it and associate with a specific character as they may be similar to them
Information - find out about the police and what they do. 
Entertainment - its fun to watch 
Social interaction - talk to your friend's about what has happened in the show and debate with them about what happened. 

Cuffs and social contexts 
L/O:to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural contexts in cuffs 

1.more female protagonist donna is a main character also jo Moffat is also a higher up character. 

2.felix is seen as quite emotional which is seen as a positive thing. 

3.donna is seen as the same fitness as ryan which shows that masculinity and femininity are less. 

Wednesday 24th April 24 
Do Now 
they were represented as not very good at there job and bit incompetent public dont like them. under staffed 

Donna Prager 
she was able to stay running with ryan this hows she is represented as quite strong. she is seen as more powerfull then leno her partner. this reflects on the more equality in 2015 as she is represented as equal as a man. 

Jake Vickers 
he is represented as anti-sterotypical as he is gay but that is seen in a postive light. hes seen as not that dominant but still strong as he took down the racist. this shows how diffrent sexuality's are welcomed in 2015. 

felix kane. 
seen as less stereotypical as he is more emotional and got quite a few feminine trates which resents him as less masculine but the more emotions are seen as good as he does take down the crime showing the change in 2015 were this is seen as fine. 

jake vickers 
strong but open and caring 

lino moretti 
funny and not very fit 

felix kane 
emotional and caring 

1. ryan is black and he is the protagonist which shows the more accepting culture there was then. also the other multicultural police that were around helping people. 
2.part of the plot is tacking down a racist which shows racism is still there. 
3.racist groups are represented very negatively as they are portrayed as evil  as seen when the racist stabbed the young boy wit ha screw driver. 
4.the anti racist message is seen as 


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