

L/O: To explore possible tasks and research similar products. 

1) create a front cover and a double page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds


Wednesday 10th may 23 


L/O: to research codes and conventions of similar products 

1)they include how to get muscles and abs 

2)influencer on the front cover this model is famous 

3)its chosen to be a dark grey this  makes you look at the main image. this makes the masthead stand out as well

4)its at the top and its font is serif font. 

5) 1

6) 4

7) bar code is at the bottom right in but a bit above the corner the issue number is at the top right

8) 2 they very by there size and font

9)they are used to attract the readers eyes 

1) how to get abs and muscles for the arms

2)the cover is a model muscular man this is used to make people think they will look like that if they read it.

3) its used to make all the words stand out by using a bright back round and dark text coulers 

4)the masthead is big and located at the top 


6) 6

7) the bar code is bottom right and a bit up. 

8) 2 it very in size 

9)they are used to attract the readers eyes 

1) its lade out with a big image and two smaller ones theres a lot of words and articles.

2) 3

3) 7 its varies in size some are big some are small the style changes with the size the larger it is the more blocky it is.  

4) the text is based around the main image. 

1) its lade out around the two images with articles all over it. 

2) 2

3)there are 6 font wit hate diffrent colours sizes and style some are orange others are big and sans sreif 

4)they are organised around the images and information in a spot were its easily reader ball none of the text is on the crease.

1) about growing muscles 

2) there is a a big muscly man on the front 

3)its chosen so it looks like its a work sight by using the yellow and grey background.

4)its at the top and its big.


6) 7

7)the bar code is at the bottom right a bit above the corner 

8)5 some are big and colours some are white but the are all blocky.

9)they are used to attract the readers eyes 

1)how to be more confident and get better food 

2)its a model in a suit with an expensive watch and hes very veiny 

3)its very fansy goldy yellow wit ha dark background and white masthead which connotes richness 




7)bottom right 

8)5 they are very styled to make it look expensive 

9)they are used to attract the readers eyes 

1) its load-out around the images and were the crease would be 


3)7 diffrent fonts are used they vary in size colour and style with most of it being blocky.

4)around the images and crease so that its all reader ball 

1) its layout with two main images and two articles. it also avoids the crease. 



Wednesday 7th June 23 

1)The house style for this magazine is blue, orange, white and black.  the font style is modern and simple the use of serif makes it look slightly fancy.  the colours connote that its a joyful. his is seen with the bright colours. the images are quite anti sterotypical  because not all of them are ripped. the layout is simple and simple to read.

2)the production value is mid because its got a glossy front cover However the double page spreads are mat.

3)being young is healthy unlike being old also loosing weight is healthy. its also about mental health. 

4)the colour pallet is bright with the blue and highlighted orange, the typography is modern with the use of serif fonts its also large and simple.

5)the main image is anti stereotypical because hes not a jacked or rip guy on the front hes in casual cloths.also its a famous person on the front. 

6)the target audience is men in the ages of 25 to 35  the make it appeal to them by using the lexis which is manly informal but its young language for late twenties . the main image is someone famous which most men aged 25 to 35 know.

7) because of the font which relatively the stays the same throughout the magazine.  the typography is the same the font stays the same. the DPS is similar to the  front cover.

1)the house colours are dark red black and light grey, the font style is sans-serif  this gives it a simple look and makes it look more bold to the reader. the images are anti stereotypical because hes wearing a t shirt which his very casual and he dosent look like the most ripped guy. similarly on the double page spreads they dont show ripped guys. the layout is simple and isn't complex or chaotic.  similarly the font stays the same throughout the double page spreads 

2)the production value is low its got a mat front cover and flimsy pages. 

3) how to get fit fast and get better endurance. how to protect against prostate cancer how to train like a nasa astronaut. its all about how to get fit in diffrent ways. this inks to the target audience which is 20-30 because people that want to get fit especially men which is the main target audience .

4)the typography is chosen because its simple and easy to read because of the font size and style. this is seen with the front cover and how simplistic it is. the colours are very bold and easy to understand this also makes it stand out.  

5)people are represented as young and fit this is seen with the front cover and how hes on the larger side which is muscular.

6)the target audience which is 20-30 year old men are attracted to this magazine because of the bold colours and the simplicity. they also are by the ideologies which are how to get fit fast. 

7)you can tell this because the font stays consistent. this makes you tell its all from the same magazine. 

. style: the style needs to stay similar throughout  and basic. this then makes it look more stereotypical. the use f up to 4 colours for the font cover( this may change through out the double page spreads). up to one puff because if there are more it would look to chaotic which we dont want.   

.typography: needs to stay simple and basic, block capital for the masthead, it could be blocky serif or a sans-serif this keeps it simple. the colour could be anything from red or blue. this would keep it simple and fresh. the more fresh the better because its a health hand fitness magazine. 

.image: the image should be a close or mid shot because thats the stereotypical shot for a fitness magazine. the image could be sterotypical jacked person or a non stereotypical not jacked guy. 

.masthead: this is always located at the top behind the main image, the style is usually serif and very large. 

.the cover layout is very simple one main image no other image is present usually, its got about 5,6,7 cover lines so not many. the layout of the double page spread is simple usually 2-5 images this can vary on what the page is about if its food its usually lots more its got up to 3 articles whcih can be long or not. 

.the content is how to loose weight fast and how to get abs. also how to eat healthy and live healthy. how to boost that health and feel better. 

. the colour pallet is usually 3,4 colours these are basic some are yellow white and black and others are white black blue and orange so they can vary and look different. 


.name: key2fitness 

.tagline: fit? GET FITTER

.house style: 

.colour pallet: orange black white blues bright 

.cover image: 

cover lines: how to loose weight,  how to get strong,  gain confidence, eat to grow, get abs  

.info: barcode,issue number date price 

.DPS article subject:



L/O:to research our target audience to enable successful targeting 

target audience is 14-18 year olds.

cover 1:



.interests,in business and technology 

.class,middle to upper class 

cover 2:



.interests,looks-makeup -fashion


cover 3:



.interests, films  news


my target audience:

age range, 14-18 


income/job-not working because they are still in school or university. or full time education and a side job E.G working in a restaurant. 

race-all of them

education-currently in full time eduction if thats secondary 6 form or university they can be from public or private but its mainly amed at public schools.

interests-staying in shape and eating healthy they may do some sports as well. also going outside and doing walks. or playing sports like football.

hobbies-they would be an active person who goes for runs and is active. they may go and play for the local football team or rugby. 

important to them-its important to stay relatively in shape and maintain it. be active daily, 

the product would appeal to them because of the facts and informative element of it which teaches them how to maintain there fitness eat healthy and get better at sports. 


Wednesday 12th July 23 

L/O:to explore and understand how to use InDesign for magazine layouts. 


Wednesday 6 September 23 

statement of intent:

coursework review 

L/O:to recap brief criteria and to explore how to create effective representation

. my cover is going to follow the layout conventions of a fitness front cover by having one large main image that spans the whole cover. with 6 cover lines including the main cover line that which follows the same language as normal fitness magazines the masthead will be across the top. the strap line will be featured near the masthead. the barcode will be bottom right a centermetres from the bottom. 

.have 4 or 5 images of lots of diffrent vegetables or fruits that are good for you and what the layout will be photos of fruit and things with information about them and there calories. 

.it will be made clear through the language used the mice-en-scene and the overall look of the magazine. the colour pallet will be quite bright. this is to attract the viewers. 


.take photos:

    of model 

    of fruit and veg

    any thing else 

.need to write articles 

.need to make cover draft 

    main image 


    sort out layout 

.need to make a dps draft 

    take pictures for dps

    make cover lines

.need to make better masthead 

.get barcode


Wednesday 27 september 23

do now 

interview with teen pro boxer 

ABS how to get them for teens

fruit is terrific 

best teen gym cloths 

health is fitness. 


The second one is the mast head i will use. 

these are some of the images for the double page spread. 

Wednesday 1st November 23 
Do Now:
diffrent types of articles, 
exercise guide 
meal plan 
how to stay fit 
equipment reviews 
food reviews 
how too 
fact sheet 

article writing 
to create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine using appropriate language, tone and representation 

elements needed fro dps:
6+ images 
small writing 12 max
diffrent fonts for tittles 
colours to separate things out. 
diffrent picture sizes 
drop cap 
1) a teenage person in the gym or outdoors
2)my article is about fruits which are good for you 
4)which fruits are best to buy 
8)power fruits, 
9)as strong. 


    Good research into conventions and great analysis - well done!

    Basic but good

    A good start - you changed the name right/ Did you do a new masthead?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens.


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