lights! Camera! Action

Lights! Camera! Action!

Monday 1st November.
LO to apply narrative theory to are own ideas

3)harry potter✅
5)polar express ✅
7)life of pi
8)Night at the museum.
todorovs narrative.
1)equilibrium the normal the good times
2)disruption a change of something like a break up or a apocalypse this may not be recognised strait away.
3)recognition of disruption this is when they have an understanding of whats happened.

4)attempt to solve disruption this is when they try to solve the disruption
5)new equilibrium this is when the disruption has been solved and a new normal has formed.

 Marvel End Game 

1)equilibrium, they are living a normal life.
2)disruption,thanos has got the infinity stones
3)recgnisation of disruption he comes to earth
4)attempt to solve, they fight him and loose
5)new equilibrium 

task one.


EQUILIBRUIM                                there are 60 people on an island the main trio are fighting all those                                                             people are there to win.

DISRUPTION                                    another team starts to follow there tracks.                                          

RECOGNITION OF                          they notice there is a team behind them. then one of the trio gets                                                                 shot then the other team chases them. all of a sudden the second                                                                 one gets shot now its a cat and mouse game.

ATTEMPT TO                                  as he keeps running he turns and shoots two of the chases and gets  SOLVE DISTRUPTION                   shot and dies.                                        

NEW                                                 then the camera comes out of a screen and it was all a video game
EQUILIBRUIM                                                  now life is normal because they return to real life.

story bored 

the equilibrium, three soldiers up against 60 people

Three Soldiers Standing In Abandoned Warehouse Stock Photo - Download Image  Now - iStock 

being followed by another trio disruption

Guide to Trading Using the Three White Soldiers Pattern on IQ Option - IQ  Option Wiki

two of the three get shot by the opposing team.

Newest sniper rifle for soldiers, Marines takes on 'final hurdle' before  fielding

the solo comes down from

Follow Shot of Squad of Stock Footage Video (100% Royalty-free) 20886649 |  Shutterstock

Boy Sitting In Gamer Chair With Headset And Video Game Control Stock Photo  - Download Image Now - iStock

lesson 4               Monday 15th November 2021

lo to explore the use of camerawork in films.

1) joker✅
2) 1913❌
3) sonic✅
4) end game
5) last jedi

extreme close up this is to show the characters emotions
Understanding Cinema | Answer Bank | BMM Notes | Sipe
close up this shows what they look like 
What is the Close-Up Shot? Examples of Camera Angle & Movement
medium close up this can show two charicters emotians
The Medium Close-Up Shot: Creative Examples and Why They Work
mid shot this can show the guns they are holding
Joe Blogs: The Medium-Shot
long shot this is a shot used to show the character and the sounding
Avengers: Endgame' Ruins Box Office For 'Long Shot', 'UglyDolls',  'Intruder' – Deadline
establishing shot this shows the new area 
Establishing Shots: Examples and Uses of the Camera Angle
aerial shot this shows above the area
The Filmmaker's Handbook: What is an Aerial Shot? | Read | The Take
low angle shot this can show power from the bellow
Low Angle Shot: Creative Examples of Camera Movements & Angles
high angle shot this can show fear in the person
High Angle Shot Definition and Usage with Excellent Examples
canted angle thsi can show all the charicters slanted.
What is a Dutch Angle? Creative Examples of Camera Shots and Movement
point if view shot this shows the view of the character
The Power of Point of View (POV) Shots
over the shoulder shot this can show the view of the characters pov but with a slight thing over head.
Camera Angles: Over The Shoulder or Single Shot?

camera movement

1. the camera movement up or down is the dolly
2. when the camera moves side to side its cooled panning
3. when the camera moves left or right its cooled panning.
4.when the person is moving and the camera is following its called tracking.
5.this shots called close up.
6. this is called long shot can tell what the camera shows how the characters show there emotions because you can see there tears and there rage or fear. can see a close up on there faces in the car escaping the people on the motor bikes.
3.the first shots are telling you were it is set.

Monday 29 November 21

setting and colour

lo to explore the use of setting and colour in films.

setting isolated house in the middle of know were  this might be a dark gloomy area which is i the middle of know were.
2. city would be good for a action film this would be chaotic and exiting with all the terrain would be good to run around with a helicopter above it.
3.this would be good because it would be good because then is a good refection on a beach.
4.loads of countries good because you would explore a load of places to fin things or to run away by planes or boat.
5. a large laboratory could be full of things like chemical bottles maybe aliens on a shelf dead animals or deformed animals.


1. the use of blue and red is used for super heros which  is great because some super heros already have this and so this is a good use of colour
2. this colour black usually tells you that they are dark and mysteries and so they hide in the shadows and so black is usually the villain colour.
3. these vibrant colour is usually a sine of joy and happiness, like yellow the sun so bright and happy blue is the colour of the sky.


1.the settings in parts are nice they are all happy then suddenly it goes dark to a raining place in a city which shows death and horror. another place is sandy dessert. other places is full of fire is set in those places to show certain emotions which can show love companion however it fades to black and then it suddenly action or death.
3.the setting changes multiple times  to show some emotions and the scene at that time.
4.the setting effects the emotions and the  behave because of the action that takes place and how the story continues.
5. you could tell because of the colour and the time you can also tell by the tarin like earth is diffrent to space. because the story would have changed completely from the actuel one to  a new story     wit diffrent characters. you can not tell however by inferring i thought it was in the future you can tell by the level of space exploration.
8.the clues art that theres way more space travel and holograms which has not been invented.
9.the use of colour very like in a death scene there is black and weight to show deep emotions and when there all happy there is more yellow and happiness.
10.colours like  dark goes with the evil characters and black and weight for the characters which have died.
11.they are really important because of the emotions and the feel of what is going on in the film. would of been more depressing and sad because of the feel of black and weight, there would be know happiness                                


GENRE, action, adventure


GENRE,horror, action

GENRE, action, adventure. western
setting, desert
narrative, adventure.


the colour i would use is white which is used because of the science cloke.
the choice for the evil person is a off yellow because of a hassmat suit which he could were for the hole thing.
the choice of lighting is an artificial weight and for emergencies is red, weight walls like a laboratory.
it would be set on a loop would because earth was destroyed this planet is artificial with loads of labs on it. 
the evil villains base could be a space ship. 
this space ship could be massive with black and red shade wich is located near black hole.
the good peoples place could be even more filled with space ships and other floating futuristic vichals.
also this planet could have robot security guards. this planet could have artificial life no birds just fake sounds. 
the colour of this would be green and wight with blue lights wich could show sifi vibes and the danger coluor colud be a dark yellow like a custion sign.

Monday 13 December 21



where on the computer screen maybe on window.
who in shot Dylan casey
taking photos Olly

ground level 

www. the camera angles were rewaly good on all of them.
where on the grass
who in shot no one
tacking dylan
props non

giant and monsters

where outside or inside
who is in shot olly and Dylan
whos tacking casey
props the background.
EBI we could of got a better giants and monsters shot because the hand to human proportion was not right.
 www. the camera angles were rewaly good on all of them.

looking down

where in side.

EBI we could of got a better giants and monsters shot because the hand to human proportion was not right.who is in the shot olly casey
tacking dylan
props chaire.

framing shot

where outside/ inside
whos in shot Dylan
 www. the camera angles were rewaly good on all of them.

EBI we could of got a better giants and monsters shot because the hand to human proportion was not right.tacking olly
props leave.

EBI we could of got a better giants and monsters shot because the hand to human proportion was not right.

www. the camera angles were rewaly good on all of them.

favourite framing  shot 




1) a horror film, slow music that speeds up. door creaking. screaming.

2)An action film,loud fast music that keeps getting faster. gun shots. explosions.

3)a thriller,really fast loud music. explosions.loud jets.

4)a comedy film,slow calm with simple beats. birds tweeting when you fall.things crashing.

5)a science fiction,loud and slow music. beeping from computers.chemicals fizzing.

diegetic sounds you would hear if you were in the scene someone speaking or footsteps.

no-diegetic sounds that only the audiences can hear like narration.  

metrics resurrection trailer/ 1

heavy breathing
gun shot
moto bike 
glass breaking 
the rain

pin drop
drum beat speeding up


a foley sound is the sound made for film this makes all the sounds apart from dialogue and so every thing is foley apart fro that so footsteps and kisses are made by the people in the studio which is called foley. these replace the original sounds of footsteps and other sounds so footsteps on the sets would be scrapped and the other sounds would be to apart from some dialogue.

sound list for animation

plane crashing
door opening
clicking controller
door shutting
box put down 
phone ringing
phone picked up
walking up stares
box opening
kicking box
dog walking
dog walking
box crashing with dog inside
dog eating ball
dog waging tail 
happy emotion
the crutches

matrix resurrected/2



3when the scene gets more violent

4an important moment happens

5yes because you can hear the gun shots and music changes.

6yes this adds effected

7yes they do and with mystery behind what there saying

8you would explain the moments and the story.

9yes gun shots and explosions

10yes the voices have bean made louder

final task

water being swished, meat being cut, glass being tapped, glass smashing and table moving, table crashing, door slamming, alein sounds and human dialogue, music plays and the alien disperses in a gust of wind sound.

 monday 24th January 22

lo to explore the use of mise-en-scene in films

1. home alone
2.iron man
3.spider man 
7the incredibles✅

. gender- male
.age-18 to 20
.job-looks like a student.
.he is lazy
.he is messy
.likes to play video games
.hey like to read

mise-en-scene definition

it is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame

visual information in front of the camera 

mes communicates essential information to the audience. each aspect of mise-en-scene has a hidden meanings within films and sends signals to the audience about how we are suposed to feel about a character.

1. setting 
2.costumes hair makeup
3.facal expression and body 
4 lighting and colour 
5postioning of characters objects.

1.a science fiction film- 
setting-a lab or a space ship which could be located in a big city or in a wild landscape with know one around
props- microscopes guns bottles with chemicals  animals in cages. computers large monitors

setting-in a nice city or country side with loads of flowers.beach shop 
props-flowers veachals birds.

setting-in the country side with know one around or a city in a building which you cant escape rain forest abadond house inside orphanage run down areans old 
props-blood knife gun masks dead bodys scratched clothes. wepons 

costume hair make up

the first one lokks like a western film so he has a costume for the west he has the steretypical cowboy stylle and the make up is mud and greese anda tan.its in an advevebture

the next one looks like a teen girl with a old 1980s style and that she is going out side.she has lipstick and other products on comedy

the last one is a person who looks like he is having a ruf time and he looks mad the costume is scruffy and his face isruf as well his make up is rincles. horror

facial expressions and body language.

dinner table, looks boring and not fun by the expretions and its very dark and fncy posh akward and the colors are dull same with the expretions they are sitting up right wich is also formal they are wearring posh clothes.

the night club looks realy scruffy and poorer also they are all wearing not many clothes and its swetty and warm looming they are not wearing much. it aso lookjs like its at night becuse of the low levels of light and the agrestion.he has blood and inclose. he is not cowering

high key lots of light
and low key lghting not a lot of light

the lighting and color looks like its part of a thriller or  horror which could mean there is mystery between what s going o also it looks like they are whispering and the are spreding evil roomers
positioning of people/objects.



LO:to experiment with foley and sound effects.

the setting and the props are all posh and expensive the chaires and setting are inside and old. the hair and make up is two fancy soldiers when the center peson is a pirat with poor hair. they look serious and not very friendly which makes us conitate that they are holding the center person prisoner. they also have badjes which means they are decorated soldiers and have been in war.then lighting is low key because it shoes its a very serious event.the positioning of the characters are so they are being held and the soldiers look like they are near there boss or someone of a higher rank.

creative task
the setting is in a lab with clean areas and a disection table of wich threr is an alien wich three sientists dressed in wheight hazmat suits and the have a glass screen between the alein and them. its absed in a space ship and they are in a owrld were thay live in povety and they are finding atype of technolagy to save they world from he povety wich is located i  the aliens planet. th clothes is lab coats and wheight space suits the lights is low light bwcuae of the location. the main lights is a blue LED wich is 2located every were the props would be sirgiacl equipment and space veichals would be the main things other than the tele scopes and the computers. the make up would make them more realistic that they are in space. they would be very serous and they would be very intense. the positing would be soranding the alien.

clip 1

tilet flushing
clothes ruseling
jam on toast
brushing teeth
closing cupboard
frige opening
tap running
draw opening
knifes moving

the background noises disrupted most clips that were quit the best ones that work was when we were very very close to the source of the sound made it very easy to record the sounds.the best one was the door creaking which was very successful. light switch was great because it was very close to it.the quietest was the tap dripping.


Monday 28th February 22

LO: to explore the disaster movie genre.

disaster movies

world war Z

this disaster film is were a zombie virus attacks the world which puts them all in panic the main character and his family escape the zombie ridden city and the father try's to find the cure what makes it a disaster movie is that it has loads of destruction and death it has loads of zombies which make it the and of the world.

1)the main character is male a dad of two daughters who used to be in the army
2)this is were the main character is trying to get to an arc with his family
3)natural solar flare making a storm.
4)they survive by going on the arc
5)this involves them going from the us to china in a couple days
6)the disaster kills

the day after tomorrow
1)male is the main character the dad who is a person who works with storms.
2)the dad is trying to get to his son in a mager storm which was formed by global warming
3)natural storm which is made by global warming
4)they survive by keeping warm in a library in new York by buring books and rapping up warm
5)the father travels from Washington to New York in freezing temperatures.
6)its got loads of deaths

1)female is the main focus this is someone who works with deadly viruses
2)this does not have her saving a family member but its for the world.
3)natural virus which is really deadly
4)this it has been overcome by making a vaccine which stops it from killing
5)this does not they fight it by staying and making the vaccines
6)this has loads of deaths

my disaster movie ideas 

1. characters
josh is a person who lives in a city and works as a tech suport person. he has a wife and two children whos ages are 5,7years old. his freinds who work near him are close freinds. he has one child at the same age of 7.
2. setting:
big city in england.


5. colour connotations.

6. narrative .

7.text elements.

8.other genres included.

1)josh is a person who lives in a city and works as a tech suport person. he has a wife and two children whos ages are 5,7years old. his friends who work near him are close friends. he has one child at the same age of 7.

2)the disaster is a nuclear bomb going of in the city this bomb wold go off 10 miles away. this makes some of his colleges blinde and they are calling the abulance as the emergency broadcast comes up on the tv wichs ays to flee from were they are and then a picture comes up of what has happened as buildings  get knocked down and they get destroyed as the glass has shattered and the main character flees to get to his children school with his freind wich then they split up.

3) his wife and two children named Jessica, gorgia and michal

4)his friend and wife and child die close  to the beging after they split up and then find there dead body.

5)the action is running from the radiation which is coming close to them. and there plane going down when escaping.

6)this ends with them going to the safety unharmed.

7)they are at Cornwall, safety and they look into the sun as they continue.


                                                       my disaster movie                                                                Monday 14th march 22

l/O:to effectively develop an idea for a disaster film.

1. day after tomorrow ✅
4.war of the worlds❌
5. cloverfeild  ❌ godzila

TRILER 1:5th wave 
1.main charicter is female trying to get to her brother.
2.this is set in a deserted world travelig to her brother.
3.there is explotions and other large attacks.
4.guns clothes wepons.
5.dark coulors wich shows that its brutal.
6.this is her trying to survive.
trailer 2:green land
1.the main charicter is male trying to get his family to green land
2.this is in america.
3.they try to get to green land going through destroyed land. guns clothes
5.this is orange like fire wich means death and destruction.
6.thsi is about a family trying to escape a meteor by going to greenland bunkers.
trailer 3:9/11
1.the main charicters is a group of people stuck in a lift.
2.its set in new york inside the twin towers fighters savining them.
4.clothes and fire equiment.
5.grey meaning sad and sorrow.
6.them saviving a bad attack.
trailer 4love and monsters
1.main charicter male trys to get to his girlfreind in a monster infected world
2.set in americas jungles.
3.he trys to grt to his girl freindscamp
4.clohs harpoon gun from the overgrown land
6.he trys to get there because hes jealous of every one having someone they loved.
trailer 5the tunnel
1.the mainchricter is male trying to get to his daughter in the tunnel
2.set in a nowrway tunnel wich a lorry is stuck
3.a lorry thet is stuck in the middle of the tunnel fighter equitment clothes.
5.low key and natrual light.
6.a person left home and a lorry gets stuck and fire fighter help them.

MY MOVIE: London plummeting
the film is were a nuclear bomb goes of in London and josh who works in a office in London and colleges here the sirens going of on there phones. they are confused and then look outside turn back to the tv and boom the nuke goes of blinding one of the colleges. they look out and then run down stares to get there children in diffrent schools. when John gets there his wife and kids are there and he gets them in the car and leaves. then they start there jerny to evacuate when a army ma says go cornwall to safety then they start driving. after driving a mile they see a car and  hear scream,s becuse they are good people they get out and then his college and kids lay there dead and his wife is screaming they cant do any thing and then she sicks outblood and dies infront of them they look at the cra and leave.

this is in the year 2022 were war has broke out. this has happend becuse of russia. loads of scy scrappers and camps to help people in cornwall wich helps the affected.

the mood is sad and death because of what has happend and the people trying to help cant. burnt cloths and blood stained faces.

it would be shot using cgi and other effects like green screaming 


monday 28th march 22                             narrative theory.

l/o to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

1. they have a big disaster which is life fretting.
2. usually the main character is trying to save someone they like  or there family
3.they fix or survive the disaster.
4.theres a hero. a city scape. wide impact.

equilibrium:the normal in my film is. josh goes to get breakfast then drives through the busy streets and gets to his work. there is a small war going on but no one minds because its fare away. thsi is set in 2022 

disruption: a nuclear bomb gets dropped on the city were he lives. they discover this by looking out the window. 

recognition of disruption: they realised that this has happened because the bomb makes a large sound and shockwave. and him and his college run to get to there cars and drive secretly to get to there wife/kids.

attempt to solve: this is were he goes to save his wife and children and go down to cornwall taking the unsafe and radiation ridden places these places have people crying and poisoned.

new equilibrium . this is living in a refugee camp with all of them this camp is full up with people and they are safe there from the radiation.

at the end of the fiim we are at cornewaal at the edge of the border between devon and cronwall and they are in a refugee camp with loads of tents which have dirt everywhere because of the mud. this has tinned food an loads of police and locals helping them into ccornwall this has loads of medical people.

this film is set in England through country side and big city it starts in London and its the jerny to cornwall through deadly radiation which could kill fast there are planes flying around as well going down fighting. then they go through to cornwall with fresh air.


1.the hero is the is josh the father who is going to save everyone he gets them to safety they are heroic and they wont give up till his family is at safety.

2.the villain is who sent the nuclear bomb which was russia.

3.the donner is the shop keeper who gives them food for free which helped them get down to cornwall.

4.the helper is the wife because she helps him in the most desperate times through the drive she helps the kids calm down and them to stop. anna

5.the princes is the kids because they are helpless and they cant do much without the father or the mother being there. mitilda luna

6.the dispacher is the army who told them to go down to cornwall and survive.

7.the father and mother who are saving them.

8.the false hero is the primeminister who had said that he would help but left the country. 


Monday 25 April 2022

script writing and story boarding.
l/o to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

josh was a common man working to make a living intill the day of terror came where all of England were in the dark ash of the  explosion. him and his family have to travel through radiation, burnt out buildings dead families and corroded villages to get to the safety of cornwall. will they make it...

1) im hungry.
    you could have them look around in the kitchen in the cupboards in the fridge and be sad whilst              doing it.
2)I've lost my cat
   looking around shacking cat treats looking in hiding places.
3)i'm so tired.
   you could have them yawn and be slow and down and them nod of and wake up also ave baggy eyes.
4)i'm late for school
   have them get changed scruffy then run  down stairs and grab toast and run out the door.

5) i'm really annoyed with her
    they could look at the person funny and avoid them as much as possible and if they come near to          talk leave them.

in the tower block

josh and jacob are looking out the window.
London is amazing isn't it? 
(he says peacefully)

yes, yes it is.
(he says calmly)

(emergency broadcast comes up on all computers and on the tv josh and jacob are startled and turn to see, what it reads "a nuclear weapon is coming to London all civilians evacuate the area.)

what is going on?
(he says confused and friegtned)

is this real?
(he says cofused as well and more frightned.)

staff talk in the background.

(suddenly a massive explosion is heard and all the glass shatters and one person is blinded by the blast and screams.)

what the hell
(he says franticly)

we need to leave, now! 
(he screams)

Monday 9th may 2022


l/O to explore how a film is made and the various industry roles.

warner bros
20th century fox

film industry jobs.

camera men
stunt men.

ADR Mixers correct dialogue and sound that was problematic in the original production. They remove background noise, re-record dialogue with lip-synching and clean up production audio.


Grips are part of the Grip Department. The Key Grip hires and oversees the Best Boys, Dolly Grips, Hammers and Rigging crew for a production. They make sure sets and rigs are safely built and maintained, collaborate with the Gaffer on lighting and, after the 1st AD, ensure safety on set.


The Gaffer, or Chief Lighting Technician is the head of the Lighting Department on a film set. They work in pre-production and production to help achieve the desired cinematic image through setting up lights and running cables.

.they first started with an idea which went to the studio executives.

.then they  see if will, get money.

.then get teams to get film them and edit it and get the equiment.

.then film it

.eddit it 

.watch it.

.give it to aaudience


.launch film.

  • Pre-production is the part of the filmmaking process that occurs prior to principal photography but after a movie has been greenlit or provided financial backing. It’s during pre-production that all the many aspects of making a film–from choosing locations to casting Actors to scheduling the shoot–are decided upon, coordinated, and solidified.

Production: The production stage, also known as principal photography, is when shooting begins. During this short timeframe, additional crew will be hired—like a script supervisor to check for script continuity while filming, and a property master to acquire and oversee any of your film's props.

post production

Post-Production is the stage after production when the filming is wrapped and the editing of the visual and audio materials begins. Post-Production refers to all of the tasks associated with cutting raw footage, assembling that footage, adding music, dubbing, sound effects, just to name a few.


adverts on tv or social media
actors talaking about it

release postetr

release teaser poster

charicter sneak peak

release trailer

release movie

behind the scenes, deleated scenes.

were the film will be released, how it can be seen.

movie marketing

Monday 23rd May 22

L/O:to develop an effective film marketing strategy.

video game
news paper 
actors talking about it
social media

ready player one



digital marketing




posters and advertisement a cinemas


book promotes it

the game

socail media

1. cinema,on tv,bilboards

2.a bussy area were lots of people can see it.or on a big place with people so to get the public to see it. of releases actors in it, main image title of the film reviews.

1.the font is san serif so big and blocky.

2.most have dark cold coulers.

3.they have a disasters on the cover

4.they are ussaly not on the posters.

5.they are all about the desasters and there survival.

the font for this is sans serfif so block capatials

the couler of the poster is all dark grays and dark colours there are some  green popping in some areas which used to be a park and some fields in the pack round

the picture is of a city with a massive disaster happening in it this disaster looks like a sink hole or a earthquake.

the rewards are for best visual effects best sound and society with a 4.1 rating  this rating was helped by the posters

the actors are in other films so it brings attention to it.

the clues in the narritive are that theres a massive crack infering that its a disaster film.

theres a massive crack so thats its a key event .

this poster suggests that its a disaster film by including a massive crack straight through a contains destruction which conotes that theres death. the words suggest that its going to have big deserters. including cars panicking in the poster shows that there confusion and know one knew it was coming. they match the genre connections by using a lot of dark coulers. there is scared atnosthere  in the poster. the sky suggests that its only the bellow thats important.the colour of the font is the couler of buildings and so its like a big building and so it coniates that there are big buildings which coud be destroyed. also its in  block capitals which makes it more like a building.


Monday 13th June 22

L/O:to create film marketing material. 


title, main image, tagline,actors/directors, credit block,release date,ratings 5* 4*.

i used block capitals and lots os dark red coulers which really made the hole thing go together like a  dstaster film poster should do. also the title is is all block capitals which is like a normal poster should do.

i used the layout conventions to make it all look like a really poster.

im pleased with the title and how it came out with the toxic symbols.

i would improve how the actual city looked and ad more chaos than how little there is now

i would like to remember how to use the tools again.



top gun uses graphics for dates and producers and actor/director.

2.this intensifys the trailer and gives info.

3.they chose parts with the most exiting plane parts with high speed pasutes

4.intense music loud planes and misiles being shot which makes it more exiting diolog diegetic.

5.there was a funeral and a war part which could mean a main character dies and then they fight bad guys.



  1. 29/11-Great notes here, Target: 1. more detail in the settings for the film idea, explain the choices you make.

  2. 4/1/22- Brilliant photography! T: think about lighting to get a better shot.

  3. 24/1- where is your work from this lesson, you did some great work but it is missing.

  4. 15/3- Detailed account of the opening part of the narrative. T: 1. More detail in the ending of your storyline:
    2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  5. 25/4- Good start here, T: 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said.

  6. 27/6- Good start to your work. T 2. Now complete the last 4 frames to finish your trailer, don't forget the title slide and the release date.


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