November PPE 2023

Monday 22nd January 24. 

Do Now:

1)conglomerate (diversification )


they target there audiences by using language.


teenage dirtbag-->positive youth and romance  :negative rejection, alienation 

sk8ter boi --> rebellious-teen 


representations :How someone or something is represented. 

social group: a group of people E.G rich\ poor. 

A difference between the two extracts is that the gramophone is a classical and mojo is rock. 

the age differs as one is young unlike the old man in the other one. 


Need conclusion!

Media language used is very diffrent which creates diffrent messages.

look at diffrent media language used.  E.G body language , colour, typography, main image. 


do now 

title, main image, mast head ,date line, cover lines, main cover line ,bar code , tagline ,pull quote 


L/O:to explore the magazine industry ownerships regulation and revenue 

1.time inc, ipc connect 

2. immediate media company 

3. H.bauer publishing 

4. bauer media group 

5. hearst communications 

6.conde nast 

7.nat mags ,hearst communications 

1.over 600

2.take a break

3.MOJO is published by Bauer Media. This company owns over 600 magazines, including two other UK music magazines – Q and Kerrang! The company has diversified the MOJO brand, offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form.

4Spanning 8 countries – the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Poland and Slovakia, Bauer Media Audio owns leading brands including KISS, Mix Megapol, Absolute Radio, Magic Radio, Radio Norge, Radio Expres, Radio Nova, Radio 100, Today FM, Newstalk and RMF.

5.they own lots of companies 

1. The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO)  OFCOM




l/o: to identify and explain different music genres 

music genres 
.hip hop
.heavy metal


1.They usually were black or dark cloths the men usually have jeans on and long her the women usually were tight jeans or leather trousers which is mostly black.  The also have a very abstract behaviour which is usually  chaotic and violent.

2.Its usually centred around and amplified electric guitar with drums and sometimes a piano but is centres round the main singer or guitarist 

3.Its usually about rebelion, liberation, sex and drug use.

1. They usually have pink cloths and bright colour with bright hair. the men were pink and lots of bright colour. the women were dresses which is usually pink. There behaviour is very happy. 

2.They are catchy with a catchy melody its very up beet they usually repeat the chorus lots of times 

3.Its usually about the joys and problems of love 

hip hop:
1. They were baggy or loose clothing baggy t-shirts and or polo shirts. they usually have prints on there cloth. both genders were baggy cloths.

2.Its similar to rap they use strong rhythmic beats 

3.They talk about poverty, racism exultation crime violence and neglect 


1.The target audince for rock is the ages 16 year olds to 65 year olds. Its typically more male however the amount of male and female listeners is nearly 50/50. So the target audience is for those in the age range and its dosent matter about gender. 



the image tells us the grenre by the way shes dressed in the classic dress and classic hair cut also her hand jestures 




L/O: to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 

This is a rock magazine you can tell it is by the mice-en-scene and the colour pallet. the costume the models are wearing very dark looking cloths and they all look very dirty with the makeup. similarly the colour pallet is very dark the four colours used are black/greys, red, white and yellow these are very violent colours.  

1)typography means  Typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. It involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages.

2)layout is the way things are organised 

3)lexis  The lexis – the actual words – used in the product may pertain to the genre of the product and be recognisable to audiences. Some products employ subject- specific lexis, for example the front covers of gaming magazines may include lexis that is specific to the world of gaming. the total stock of words in a language.

4)the colour palette is the amount of colours and what colours are used.

5)mice-en-scene Mise-en-scène is a French term meaning literally 'to place on stage'. In film and TV the term is used to refer to everything you can see on screen when watching a film.


the katy perry magazines colour palette is very bright. this conotes happiness or chillness. this is used to get the audiences attention to see what it is and pick it up. 

the typography on the katy perry magazine has a big sans serif and blocky masthead which is very simple and easy to use. this contrasts the serif cover line this makes it feel more fancy feeling. 

the mise-en-scene in the katy perry magazine the main image is colourful and makes the flowers pop out this goes with the pink background because they are both bright. the black is used to make the flowers colour pop out from the pink. 







Monday 5th June 23

1)they are bright colours which are childish, the main colours used are pink,white,yellow and blue

2)the main image usually has one famous person in the middle using a close to mid shot. 

3)the typography is very simple and basic with the use of sans serif and large fonts. 

4)the language used is very informal and simple to understand 

5)the layout is that they put the main image in the center with the masthead above it.

6)the mise-en-scene is very similar throughout it all uses bright coulers with all of them

1)the colour pallets consist of usually only three colours which are white,black and a random colour 

2)the main image has a mid to close up shot and all of the people are famous rappers. 

3)the fonts are sans-serif and blocky which make them look basic. they are all caps.

4)its informal simple to understand. 

5)layout its got the masthead on the top and its got lots of coverlines.

6)the mise-en-scene is varied throughout some are black others are white.

1) the colour pallet is white red black and yellow

    2)the main image is usually a long to mid shot so they can show the hole band but some only have one person. 

3)the font is big sans serif and simple used to show 

4)strate forward 

5)one main image 

6)big hair and lots of dark makeup.

genre and target audience 



demographics: look at the factual information like; 




employment status

psychographics : look at lifestyles;






2)its made to look like this to make it look active and fun because thats what the want .



.the lexis is complex which shows its for well educated 
.the mice-en-scene is posh. 
.the prop of the violin is used to show to show the genre 
.the typography is simple 
. the colour pallet is cream,brown and baige which are simple yet posh colours and matches with the violin.

L/O:to explore and define the magazines to target audience. 


genre:From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental. It prefers to celebrate quality over popularity – music that will stand the test of time.

publisher: Bauer media group and ascential

target audience:A serious 'classic rock' magazine that targets an upmarket and mature audience, reflecting the context of the economic power of the 'babyboomer' generation.


.the most successful magazines have bean at the quality end of the market due to there luxury and relaxing effect. the luxury brands. 

.those luxury brands have features like high quality print and glossy paper such as vogue 

.mojo uses some luxury aspects however only use semi-glossy and light weight paper 

1)MOJO covers established and current musicians  
2)they bring out a new magazine with a new artist on it. and a diffrent iconic artist on the front.
3)they are truly obsessed with music 

middle class=education professional university education. 

working class:less money skilled or non skilled job.

lower class read weekly magazines unlike middle class who read monthly magazines.

niche audience this means a small specific audience 

mojo has an audience of equal middle and lower class with 4 times more men than women that read it. and 65 percent are over the age of 35.

1) they access it by using cds and cd players Spotify youtube and amazon music. 
2)they have an intrest in music and 
3)they have 2 kids and have a well payed professional job. 
4)he likes music 
5)he loves music since he was young.
6)they like mojo because its got lots of music on it. 

they can be entertained by the free disc in side the magazine this provides entertainment,

infomaion provides information for the reader about bands and music. 

social iteraction is given by the disc and talking to friend about it. 

L/O:to review and reflect on the EOY exam and set personal targets 

Monday 3rd July 23 


regulators for 
magazines,newspaper:IPSO IMPRESS
video games:VSC(video standards council)

music videos use diffrent contrasting media such as narrative style. this can be seen in the two music videos sk8ter boi and teenage dirtbag. in teenage dirtbag the story flows quite obviously there are characters and it uses a calm pace throughout to show its a calm story unlike avril lavagines which dosent because the pace is after and the story is less easy to follow because its fast.

music type 
mix of genre 
mix of age 
local news traffic and weather 

wider range of advertisements 
mass audience 
more money 
meet remit 

psb-tv licence 
follow remit 
remit age 15-29
support upcoming artists 
live music.

it extends the marketing of the film because more people will play the game then watch the film or people watching the film may want to play the game to get more of an experience. this then makes the company more money. 

P ersonal identity - recognising themselves in the characters 

I nformation - video game more about characters 

E ntertainment - interesting,fun,exiting,adventure

S ocial interaction - talk about it like lego sets and video game. rooms to chat costumes merch 

Monday 17th July 2023 
Representation and target audience 
L/O:to identify target audience for a music magazine and analyse for the representation present 

BBC Music Magazine - Manchester Camerata

Monday 11th September 23 
Do now 
img 1
.you can tell that its aimed at both men and women by the colour pallet. This is because the colour scheme is both black wight and yellow. these colours are gender neutral. 
.the main image also tells us that its for both men and women because its a male model. 
img 2 
.educated-posh, musical and cultured sophisticated language specialised language linked to music.  
.props the violin is posh and you need to be educated to play the violin. 


L/O:to explore the appeal of mojo magazine to its target audience. 

Active audience!
a magazine audience is an active audience because the go out and buy the magazine and they actively control what page they want to read. they also have to decide what magazine they want to read. and lastly they actually have to read the magazine and engage there brain. 

Uses and gratifications!
Personal identify 
Social interaction

personal identify. 

they may gain personal identity by how she is rebellious and the reader may want to be rebellious like her. this offers inspiration to rebel and offers a female role model this reinforces the values of punk rock which may appeal to the reader and they may identify with that kind of music.



this has information for the reader like how its got news on there and its page number next to it which  gives the reader were to find that page also it tells you what is in the magazine and shows were to find them. it shows were the regular features there are. it separates the features and shows what it includes. 


it provides entertainment by giving a free Cd which gives the audience free entertainment. it also provides comedy and gossip like "the final freakout" which may be gossip about and event that has happened. or how it gives an insight into a celebrities life which may give entertainment. untold story suggest its unseen so its even more entertaining. 

social interaction 
it provides social interaction because you can talk to people about what has happened around the music world also you can catch up on any gigs you didn't go to. It also allows you to keep up to date with all the gossip that you can talk about with people. the regulars are similar every time so every one can catch up and talk about it. this can lead to real life conversations and debates. 

Monday 18th September 23 
Do now 

This magazine would appeal to the target audience by the uses and gratifications. this does this by the personal identity this is done by use of the model on the front. this could give personal identity because the audience may relate to the culture. they like a specific music taste througe bob marley. 
the audience may get entertainment out of the magazine through the use of the free cd included with the magazine. 
they may get information from it through the cover lines gossip and info about Bob Marley. 
they can get social interaction through the information and the cd which they could share with there friends. 

Music industry Q1 and Q2 

L/O:to understand exam style questions and practice exam technique.  

2)bbc ✅
3)a radio for (benefit) the public ✅
4)conglomerate ❌ convergents 
5)conglomerate ❌ diversification 
6)conglomerate ✅

Q2 (4 marks)

radio stations can meet requirements of psb by informing educating and entertaining. this means that they have to give the listener advise. this can be seen by radio 1 live lounge and how they inform the reader on how to deal with stress. radio 1 live lounge also entertain the listener by the use of live music. live music is a great form of entertainment. they also educate the listener by giving them information about the up coming artist preforming and insights into there life and how they delt with lots of situations. 

music video 

teenage dirtbag.
popular girl 
usa school. 

sk8ter boi 
set in city 
punk rebel guy 
rebel girl 
skater guy 
age group 18-25 

music videos create different representations by there use of mice-en-scene. this can be seen in the music videos teenage dirtbag and sk8ter boi. the use of costume in sk8ter boi creates a look that all teenagers are rebellious and punk. this is different to the teenage dirtbag representations that there are different roles in teenagers. this is seen in the mice-en-sne for teenage dirtbag. also the use of props sows the difference because in sk8ter boi they are all seen on skate borads and BMX's. 

do now.                                                                                                              Monday 25th September 23
2)bbc /
3)this is broadcasting for the benefit of the public. /
5)diversification /
6)conglomerate /

this mojo magazine attracts there audience by giving them entertainment this is done by the free cd included with the magazine. this may attract the to the magazine because they want to listen to the music. it could also attract them because of the personal identity because they may associate themselves with the main image (which would be a famous artist) and how they may like the artist there and so they identify with that artist. and the music they play. 

music industry:q3 
L/O:to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques

radio Q3 

The BBC has to provide a wider range of content than a comercial radio to meet the remit. this is done by the BBC by having lots of content. for example the radio 1 live lounge has lots of content through there live proformaces and interviews with new upcoming artists from the uk. this is done to meet the remit of the audiences age of 15-29.they meet that remit by using young.slang language like "bro" and "big up" on the stormy episode. tis would appeal to the young audience because its language they would use which provides a wider range of content for the audience. also in the interviews they inform the listener by giving them advice about things they struggled wit hand how to deal with them like exams and other day to day things. this is diffrent to the commercial because they do not have live performance and don't provide the young experience like radio 1 live lounge does. another way radio 1 live lounge provides content is through the presenters as they are also young. the producers have young presenters to attract the young audience because the audience could associate with them. this contrasts with commercial were they try to attract a mass audience to get more advertisements which mean more money to they try to get everyone to listen to them. 

Monday 2nd October 23 
1. this is the language used to explain things in the media e.g masthead mice-en-scene. ✅
2.this is business ✅
3. this is the user and or reader of your product. ✅ things are shown to the audience, stereotypes✅
5.this is background information. ✅

teenage dirtbag
popular girl clothing and close up shots emphasis her importance. loser costume and reverse shots of "L" on people heads. the jock costume close ups.

sk8ter boi. 
rebellious-illegal gig- in the middle of the street on top of cars. mice-en-scene its the set. she's respected for being illegal because of the camera work.  reckless, grafiti bmx jumping fast pace, reckless. 

music videos create representations which are diffrent to get diffrent audiences. this is seen in the 2 music videos sk8ter boi and teenage dirtbag and there contrasts. this is seen in sk8ter boi because the Teenagers  are represented as rebellious. this i seen by the mise-en-scene because avril Lavignes costume makes her look like a punk and a reble.  this is done by the spiky wrist band she wares and the tie she has on which makes her look rebellious and ilegal.

this contrasts teenage dirtbag as teenage dirtbag teens are represented completely diffrent. this is seen in the popular girl. she is seen as important through the mice-en-scene. this is done by the cloths she is wearing. she is wearing very stereotypical highschool cloths which makes her look stereotypical contrasting avril Lavignes look as she looks like a rebel and a punk. 

the editing also contrast each other as the pace in avril Lavignes sk8ter boi is very fast pace. this builds tension and makes the video very exiting with the quick cuts and fast pace clips. this makes you feel like your there with them creating a representations of teenagers as ilegal and rebellious and that they are destructive. 

this differ from teenage dirtbag as in teenage dirtbag the pace is much slower and much more smooth that. avril Lavignes which is fast pace and exiting. this makes teenagers look less rebellious and builds a representation that teenagers arnt that violent and bad. which contrasts each other. 

Monday 9th October 23 
1.this is the lighting costume props. makeup, setting 
2.this is how its edited e.g slow-mows and pace, how the shots are placed. 
3.this is the camera angle and other things like that, close up establitioning shot. movement used 
4.this is any sound present it could be diegetic or non diegetic. music and ambient 
5.this is the story. like a linear story performance story, non linear story.

L/O:to explore the exam style question and practice exam technique for Q4 focusing on media language and representation. 

Q4: analyse the representations of musicians in the extract from mojo magazine. 

black + white colour ---> older ---> tradition, classic artist seriousness 

close-up ---> facial expressions revealing emotions 

text ---> lexis "arise","dark knight","surviving","Saving his Soul"--->depressed? ,troubled, questioning beliefs? black and white colour pallet solidify depression.

the representations of the musician in the extract are that he is depressed. this is seen with the colour pallet of the main image the colour pallet is black and white which connotes depression and sadness which may be what the musician is feeling during this. this connotes sadness and darkness. this theme continues through out the extract through the use of camera work on the main image. the camera work used is a close up on the musician which shows the emotion and the facial expresion. this contuses to connote depression. lastly the use of lexis shows the music and depression. "dark knight" this phrase shows his depression as "dark' connotes fear and depression . also the use of the verb surviving shows his depression. 

Q4; analyse the representation of age or gender in the extract in extracts from MOJO magazine. 

black + white colour ---> older ---> tradition, classic artist seriousness 

close up--> shows his face and how serious he is creating a stereotype that old men are serious. 

lighting--> the lighting is dark and not bright creating more seriousness making old look serious. 

the representation of age are that the elderly are serious. this is because of the black and white colour scheme in the main image.  this makes elderly seem serious because of that representation. this creates a stereotype taht old people are serious and maybe not fun. this theme continues  tho the camera as the shot type is a closeup which makes it look like old people are serious as it shows  the seriousness of the old and the lighting used represents the old as dark and serious a s its a dark main image and its not bright so it makes it look dark and serious making old people seem serious. 

do now 
1.the type of shot like close up and the angles. 
2.this is the fonts used. 
3.the colours used. 
4.the language used e.g the sophistication of language. 
5.the large title on a magazine which is the companies name. 

L/O:to explore the exam style questions and practice exam style techniques for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

codes and conventions:this is the simple basic things most magazines follow, this could be couler pallet.
genre codes and conventions:this is the genre specific codes and conventions which most products follow. 
intertexulity: this is quotes from the extract. 
layout:the layout is were all the key components of a magazine are placed, E.G like the masthead and the other elements such as cover lines. 
typography:this is the font style and the size of the font this can change the meaning of the text. 
colour pallet: this is the colour used in the media such as orange or blue diffrent colours have diffrent connotations. 
images:the images can connote diffrent feelings if the image is dark and a close up this can give out feelings of sympathy or fear. 
lexis:this is the diffrent type of language used such as sophisticated language and or simple language which could be used for a children's magazine. 
connotations:this is the deeper. meaning of something like dark could connote fear. 

top of the pops magazine:

1)the layout is cluttered and full of information, 
2)that layout connotes that its a silly not serious magazine which distracts us from 
3)the colour pallet is saturated as there is lots of diffrent colours n the colour pallet. 
4)this colour pallet suggests its a quite childish girly magazine as pink is seen as a feminine girly colour  which is childish this could connote that its for young girls. 

1)the layout is ordered and structured.
2)this suggests that its a sophisticated magazine and is for poeple of a high class and mya be for rich people. 
3)the colour pallet is muted as there is not many colours present and there is almost no bright colours 
$)this suggest its for a sophisticated audience who are well educated and are quite dull. the colours tell us this as the main colour present is whites and greys. 

1) the main font used is sans serif
2)this connotes that this magazine is simple and easy to read which makes it seem like its fro a more lower class people. 
3)the font style for the main cover line is script.
4)that choice of font and colour connotes that he is an important person as he is highligted in the colour red and the script front makes hime seem important. 

The source 
1)the font has both serif and sans serif.
2)this connotes that its not a very sophisticated magazine and it may not be for higher class people because of that. but also says that he is important. 
3)its bold sans serif.
4)this makes hime seem important as he highlighted in red and in bold font. 

1)long shot. 
2)its used to make them all seem important to us as the reader so its used to make them seem important. 
4)it connotes that its not that serious and so they are fun peopel and not boring, this creates a look which makes it simple to read. 

1)mid shot 
2)its used so it shows his props which are gold necleses and other jewlry showing that the is rich. 
4)this suggests that he is a not very serios person but it could also male him seem friendly and it may attract readers. 

Monday 6th November 23
L/O: to explore teh exam style questions and practice exam teqnique. 
do now:
1.BABYBOOMER: 1940;1970 ✅
2.DIVERSIFICATION: the prosess of varying products. 
3.AUDIENCE ADDRESS: how the text speaks to the audience. 
4.DISCERNING: having good judgement. 
5.HOUSE STYLE: how it is presented the manner its shown and the layout.

This will focus on the representation or media language analyse. contexts can be addressed in question 4 or 5 through the changes in gender roles, attitudes to sexuality , multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism evident in the texts that are studying. 

1)medium long shot 
2)David bowie 
3)vibrant, pink, purple, blue, white-pastel femminine, sateraed 
4)7 artists.
5)upper case, sans serif shadows bold 
6)uppercase sans serif, diffrent colours. 
7) upper case, sans serif bold black/ white 
8)upper case coloured serif 
    9)free cd pink/white same as puff 
    10)round the edge down the side. 

the colour pallet suggests that the main artist on the front "bowie" is not strate which shows that it is a multi sexuality magazine. the use of the pastal colours connotes a diffrent sexuality. so he may be not heterosexual. also the sue of the more feminine colours could present the music in this addition to be more feminine. 

This differs to the wires colour pallet as the wire uses a more muted colour pallet compared to the very saturated colour on the mojo magazine. the wire magazines colour pallet consists of browns and greys this makes it look very masculin compared to the femminine colours of the mojo magazine. this connotes the wire is more serios compared to the more silly mojo magazine. it could also link to sexuality as the mojo magazine is very homosexual compared to the more heterosexual wire magazine. and so both magazines differ quite massively. 

Monday 13th November 23 
L/O:to research the case study annotate in detail the example from the case study. 
Do now:
1.the BBC 
2. the public through the tv licence tax 
4.public broadcasting so its for the benefit of the public. 
5.psb(for benefit of public) and comercial(for money)

artist: Olivia dean. 
episode date;24th October. 

1.songs:original and cover 
Olivia dean song "dive"
cover is "cuff it by Beyoncé." she's good at singing 
2.guest info 
she's female, 24 year old, up and coming artist, worked with rudimental before. first solo number on live lounge. 
3.quotes from the show to remember
gunna, chill, man, not my first rodeo, collab, informal language(coloquial).
4. appeal to TA
because she is young like the ta. the presenters make it fun with the slang language. they keep in touch with the younger audience. 
5.inform, entertain ad educate 
the music would entertain live music, life storys from the artists.  live with band, standing ovation. 
6.innovative and cutting edge new uk music. 
new music, jungle in-between which is a uk song. 

1.15 to 29 year olds because of the slang used and the presenters and the artists age. 
2.becuse of the slang 
3.young audience who are in full time education like college or uni 
4.presenters age. differs because it is there to make money (for the mass audience) unlike the bbc which is to benefit the public. 
6.young people 15,29 year olds 
7.through slang and young artists. 

1.they meat the remit because the artists are young. they also entaintained and she is an up and coming artist from the uk. 
2.olivia dean is 24 and from the uk she is an up and coming artist who entertained the audience through her music. 

Monday 20th November  23 
L/O:to explore the exam style questions for music magazine and music video. 
do now
1. genre codes-this is the codes for a specific genre. goth is usually has the colour black in it. 
2.intertextuality- reference to another media text. 
3.typogrophy-font style and size of text. 
4.connotations-the deeper meaning of it. 
5.lexis-the language(words) used e.g simple or sufficticated. 
6.more gender equality compared to 100 years ago this is the same as multi-cultural as well. 

image 1.
1.fermale young revealing clothing direct audience address in the image. mid shot.
2. yellow colour very saturated warm and gold.idea of respect and wealth.
3.masthead, sans serif modern clean lower case coloquial relaxed imformal. suggests its a fun magazine. 
4.quite simplified not cultured. relaxed.
image 2
1.the beetled male fairly young dressed informally x4. mid-shot not direct address action shot from a performance reveals that theres a focus on live music.
2. saturated bright colours reflects the brightness of the 60s
3.sans serif and so they are similar to image 1 its clean white and modern but they are capitals which differs from image 1. the script "music magazine" sophisticated intest in music. 
4.cover layout is cluterd compared to the simple image 1 layout. suggest its filled with content. 

the difference between image 1 and image 2 are vast. first the billboard magazine has a simple not cultured layout, this makes the cover look fresh and relaxed. it also makes it seem modern and minimilist which connotes informal and fun. this differs from the cultured layout of the mojo magazine which looks cultured and full to the brim which makes it seem like there is more content. the connotations are that its fun like the bilboard but not fresh it is more full. but its not only the layout which are diffrent the images are diffrent to. the main image on the bilboard magazine is bright and got a young female model on it. this young female is wearing very revealing clothing which sexualises it also makes her look like a goddess with the lighting which is a yellow almost gold colour. also the props which hare gold makes her seem wealthy and important. this differs from the main image on mojo whcih has 4 fairly young men on it which are wearing not very revealing clothing. this makes them ssem more informal as they dont mind there appearance also they are not looking at the audience which makes it seem like the just finished a gig which makes them seem more fun and active. lastly the colour pallet differs between them the bilboard image uses very bright saturated yellow which makes it look like it look like the main image is wealthy as the yellow looks like a gold colour which connotes that she is rich and powerfull as only rich people have lots of gold. 

in conclusion the magazines differ with both layout and main image which both look veyr diffrent. it is 90 percent diffrent as there are parts the same but most of it is diffrent . 

the popular groups"jocks" respected
the geeks -not respected 
american high school
media language
props settings camera shots angles editing 

rebelion is promoted as fun energetic and good thing.
female lead 

Monday 20th May 24 
Exam revision 
Do now 
3)a broadcast for the public 

sk8ter boi:
punk, rebelion, teenagers represented as rebellious and law breakers. city, 
teenage dirt bag:
high school represented as stereotypical with the looser, jock and popular people. 

psb comercial radio 

the live lounge uses presenters to meat the remit which is attracting a young audience. new up and coming artsits to attract the younger audience. 

comercial uses lots of diffrent songs to attract lots of people 

live lounge. 
presenters Ricky Melvin and Charlie  
early 30s young reflect audience

question 4 

serious alternative mice-en-scene this looks 70s to 80s hair style which could attract an older audience  . colour pallet is bright reenforced by elton johns shiny suit. 

question 5 

need a conclusion 

need to talk about contexts:
more equity (women, sexuality's) 
more multicultues 
celeb culture 

To conclude the media language used is very diffrent as seen through the media language like the mastheads, colour pallet and lexis/ typography 


  1. 17/4- Excellent work today, remember capital letters

  2. 5/6- Great notes from today, T:1. Pick out key examples of media language to analyse and link to audience appeal.

  3. 18/9: Great notes from the lessons.T2: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  4. 10/10- Great start to your analysis here. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer

  5. 20/1-- Great analysis points, proof read to check that your points are clearly ordered. T: 5.Try to include an opening sentence that address the question and also indicates what you think about if they are similar or different.


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