
Monday 11th December 23 

Do Now:

1)audience ,media language ,representations ,industry. ✅

2)costume ,lighting ,hair and makeup, props ,setting ✅

3)historical, political and social( society) ✅

4)what something is. ✅

5)what is represented. ✅

What is news?

L/O:To explore the history of the news industries and the genres of newspaper. 

Purpose of news:

.to inform about current events 

.to inspire things to change 

.to entertain 

.to persuade 

.profit make money.

the old news was word of mouth till the invention of the printing press which made newspapers this made it a business which makes profit so people spectated it. but with the internet we have gone back to spreading news without having to have a reporter do it you can do it so its gone in a circle. 

the peek of newspapers was before tv. 

there has been a decline in newspapers since then. 


tabloid newspaper 

mid market tabloid 

tabloid                mid market tabloid.           broadsheet 

the sun                daily express                   the times 

the mirror            daily mail                       the daily telegraph 

the daily star 


Monday 8th January 24

1)inform educate profit persuade entertain share news with public 

2)though people talking with conversation 

3)the printing press 

4)tv in 1950s and 60s 

5)hard news formal language more copy less images 

tabloid:red box as the mast head lots of images little amount of text and soft news, the sun the mirror 

hybrid :no red box lots of images and not much text but more than a tabloid more hard news but not much, daily mail

broadsheet : lots of text barely any images hard news not very colourful, daily telegraph.

What is news 

L/O: to explore the nature and ownership of the new industry. 

Rupert mudoch owns the sun and the times. 

the observer  is owned by a trust 

the main aim for newspapers is to make money. 

the content of news is popular 

1)that most news is biased and is worded to make things seem worse or better than they actually are 

.there are ethical and moral codes of press conduct but the printed press is self regulatory 

mail is owned by dmgt 39%

sun \ times is owned by Lachlan Murdoch's News Corp. 28%

star express mirror people daily reach 

telegraph is owned by telegrapg grop

guardian and observer is guardina media group



Monday 15th January 23

Do Now

1)scotts trust ✅

2)media baron ✅

3)cross media ✅

4)lord ruthermere ✅


How does media ownership contribute to news bias 

commercial ads 

political opinion of owner 

business intrest 

profit newspaper is not psb news isn't non fiction it is stories designed to sell. 

newspapers are seen as a gaining political and social influence 

guardian and observer are owned by a trust liberal values have meant support from the guardian for both the labour party and lib dems 

guardian media group bought the observer in 1993

guardian -left 

the mirror -left 

the independent -middle

the times ,-right

the telegraph -right

the sun ,-right 

the daily express -right

the daily mail -right

how do newspapers make money:



paywalls/ membership 




Monday 29th January 24



its against there privacy and can can hurt people.

hold newspapers accountable. 

protect privacy.  


it shows what people in power are hiding 

press freedom 

biased avoided 


L/O:to investigate the audience of the observer publication. 



social media 

The observer:

Scotts trust 

left wing

self regulated. 

sales, ads, subscriptions , donations

to let everyone see it and access news. 

The average observer reader is around 35+ and are more male they live in the south towards London. they are middle class and have a left wing political view. they have interests in the future and forward thinking an have good values as they are interested in culture and food 

convergence means bringing together different media E.G website and newspaper. so the observe has a newspaper and a website which allows people to comment. this allows the observer to get more money. and get a wider audience as older people would get the old print newspaper and the young would go on the website or and app. 


Monday 5th February 24. 

Do Now

they are funded by the sales of the newspaper. this is sold in shops around the country this is usually only for print. Another way they get money is by ads this could be on a website or it could be in the printed newspaper as a separate article. these adverts would be third party companys paying the newspaper to put there ads on there website/paper. 

The observer is funded by ads and donations. they are funded by ads on there printed newspaper and on there websites which come up as pop up ads. These are third party companys usually have to pay them to have there ads on there. there is also a donation part which is used as the observer is free to look at so the user can donate if they like the content. 

Media Langauge 

L/O:to investigate how print newspaper use media language to create meaning. 


easy to access, dont have to go any where to get news, easier to publish for newspaper company, dont have to pay, dont have to print in factory. 


you need the internet to access it, elderly may not be able to access it, need a devise that connects to internet to access, dont get a physical copy. 

Ideologies, E.G. liberalism, internationalism, Patriarchy/anti-sexism ,racism/anti-racism,expressed in the representations. 

consumerism:buying things 


celeb culture

The masthead:serif font bold with white background it suggests its observes the news and gives observations on current events  the bold black connotes seriousness and reliable also the balck and white suggests its non biased.. 

date line:there to tell the release date. 

byline:female writer into stereotypical. 

headline:serif large font, use of coloquial language emphasis the strength and of the manifesto suggests it likes labour. this shows the political bais towards labour. 

sub-head:serif font large but not to large the lexis is sophisticated which suggests its for people with intelligence. which draws in certain readers. 


copy:lots of text filled with serious hard news which suggests its a broadsheet. 

main image:a women who is seen to be important as seen with the low camera angle emphasising her importance but a stereotypical female look. 

minor image. 

coloums: the coloums are ordered which suggests sophistication as mimilisim is a rich culture 

skybox:this is yellow which suggests its fun and joyful, it also shows less serious news whcih connotes positivity juxtaposing the serious news on the min part. 

pull quote;"bombshell" suggest that the newspaper is full of interesting news as bombshell suggests excitement 


Monday 19th February 24 

Do Now 

the advantages is that you would have a physical copy of it and for those who are old would be able to access it people with no internet will be able to read it . 

the disadvantages is that the company have to pay to print the physical copy. and  you have to go to the shop to get it. you have to pay for it. 

Masthead:"observer" this word suggests that it watches the news which implies that its non biased which creates a belief that its a fair newspaper. 

navigation bar:there is lots of choice of news to look at which appeals to a wider audience. 

stand first:


headline:"volodymyr zelenskiy pleads for more arms as frontline Ukrainian city falls"This creates empathy for Ukraine as "city falls" is sad which makes people support Ukraine. 

subhead :

main image:the main image is a low angle shot of the president of Ukraine which makes him look powerful land wise this is further built with the flags in the background which shows the power he has. 

minor image: the minor image is a person with a laptop. the sue of props here suggets that working from home is healthy as she is eating a healthy looking meal this is further explored wit the bright lighting which evokes a feeling of happiness 

links:takes you somewhere  

pull quote: in the comments bit

advert:cant see it. 

video:provides easy access to content you dont need to read. 

social media links:

sign in:right in the top of it in the guardian section:provides personalised news 

search bar: next to the sign in bit 


political biased:

left wing(for the people) observer is left wing.

owned by guardian media group 

the banner

representations:people, cultures, race. ,sexuality, class 

Focus on diffrent cultures, tries to be un-biased and objective. it does this when it talks about Egypt

and other places not negatively or positively. 

variety of feature . 

choice of text/image placement. 


Monday 26th February 24 

1)the font or size 

2)were things are placed E.G images. 

3)the language used. 

4)The name of the newspaper or magazine. 

5)the section at the top of the newspaper 

Historical case studies
L/O:to evaluate the impact of social, cultural , political and historical contexts on 1960s newspaper. 

guardian/observer now is the same. 

1.layers will urge divorce by consent:

women have more rights. The social change is starting which is a move to gender equality.In the 1960s the society was a  Because the law council was staffed by men so controlled by men and women didn't have same rights to divorce. the gender equality is starting to change. 

2.wilson brown market clash:

political news, surrounding Eroupe and relationships with Britain 

there are money problems 

3.So polite this north sea spy game 

the cold war and threats of nuclear war is a major issue spys as well. game suggests its fun. 

4.jackie were very happy 

its soft news and it shows how important america was to the english. it also shows a patriarchal society as its the only news for women on the cover and how Jackie is only seen as a wife. 

5.unions postpone strike

the public is unsettled with money issues. lots of strikes. because of bad working conditions. showed an increase in social power. Barbara castle female polition and the only one in all of the three papers. promoting equal gender pay. start of social change.  

6.briton shoots gold 

shows racism as derogatory words were used which is aloud back then even though it was a positive article it is still very racist.   

7.stephen pollock... with Elizabeth jambe ,21, a rhodesign-born african 

it shows how bad the racism was then as it was seen as unusual for this it happen. 


Do now                                                                                                                       Monday 4th march 24

1)nav bar:a link to different sections. 

2)banner:a heading or advert in the form of an advert 

3)pull quote:its a quote from the text inside the newspaper 

4)standfirst:the summary paragraph explaining what the newspaper is on. 

5)masthead:the tittle of the newspaper 

The cold war:

The Cold War was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II. This hostility between the two superpowers was first given its name by George Orwell in an article published in 1945.


human wave attack 

hopes rise for case fire in Vietnam 


Do Now                                                                                                                    Monday 11th march 24

the cold war, Vietnam war, protests on equal right for women, equal rights for black people, 

historical case studies 

L/O:to evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historical contexts on 1960s newspaper. to structure an exam style responce. 


Explain how broadsheet newspapers reflect the time and historical contexts in which they were published. refer to the observer front page. from October 20th 1966 that you have studied to support your answer. 

The observer cover from the 1960s reflects racism as a part of every day life. An example of this is "Briton shoots gold". this article has incredibly visceral terminology which shows that it is acceptable to be like that i the 1960s. this is because they used it in a main stream newspaper which indicates that society saw racism as acceptable. this is further explored in the article as there was a protest which was shut down as they were suspended which shows how bad the equality is in the 60s. which shows that newspapers reflect the contextual issues of the time. This is also seen in a different article which is about a marriage between a white person and a black person. this is on there to show how uncommon it is in that time which shows how racist the society was in the 60s. this further solidify the 60s opinion on it.  

The observer cover form the 1960s also shows the lack of gender equality. this is seen with the lack of women's news and the over sexualised adverts. these adverts present woman as objects and seen as things for men which shows a heavy patriarchal society. this was seen as normal which shows the contextual details of the time as being sexist. how ver some news showed a change in rights as seen in the article"lawyers arge divorce by consent" this shows the social change to a more equal society but is completely over shadowed by how all the article are written by men which shows the divide and lack of equality. this reflects the social issues of the 1960s. 

lastly the observer cover from the 60s also shows society fear of war and invasion. An example of this is with the article "so polite this north sea spy game" this article shows the issues of the cold war because it tells the audience about what happens if a russian plane flys over England which shows the fear people have as it shows it could happen. this clearly indicates that society in the 60s was fearful of war as there was also the Vietnam war happening. this reflects the issues in society. 


Do Now                                                                                                                   Monday 18th March 24

1)copy dominates the front page

2)the observer title 


4)in a column on the right hand side. 

5)that men dominate the news

EXAM format

L/O: To explore the exam format and content for the news unit 





explain 2 reasons why print newspaper survive despite the growth of online news.

Print newspaper has survived despite the growth of online news because the older generation continue to buy it still. this is a tradition of them and they usually don't know how to use the internet. this brings me on to the second point of people who don't have internet would get the newspaper as they cant access online news. so its survived through people with a lack of internet and the elderly. 


race and gender 

race is a under-represented social group they are rarely shown in the news and when they are shown to be strong and serious as they are all grouping together and making a stand for racism 

gender is usually under-represented but the observer the female gender is represented as strong as seen with the Lexus in the quote "the women who shamed the bbc" this shows that they are strong as they shamed a huge organisation and also the image of her smiling continues to solidify she's strong 


media Language 





The observer front covers media language reflect the conventions of a broardsheet newspaper


Do Now                                                                                                                   Monday 25th march 24 box, soft news more images. 

2.lots of copy and not many images. hard news 

3.a newspaper which is owned by the guardian and is a sunday newspaper broadsheet.


Tabloid vs Broadsheet | Newspaper Factsheetsbroadsheet

read newspaper across print and digital ...tabloid

Guided Practice q9

L/O:to explore the exam format for Q9 for the news unit and apply analysis skills and exam writing technique. 


intro-->yes it is a broadsheet, copy, masthead, one image, hard news.

P1---> masthead- bold ,serif ,black+white ,capital and lower case. serious traditional formal

P2--->image- mid shot, press conference, staged photo. positive image, suits. hard news expected in broadsheet, shows that they are united. 

The observer extract reflects genre conventions of a broadsheet very far through media language. this is seen in the Copy, masthead and image. 

The observer extract has lots of copy which is a genre convention for broadsheet newspapers. this is seen with the five plus paragraphs on the cover this is a convention of broadsheet as it is mainly copy this is further shown as there is one main image which makes room for more copy. 

The genre conventions continue with the main image. the main image is the prime minister if the uk shaking hands with the deputy of the president of the us. this image is seen as positive as its a midshot of them smilling. it is also formal as they are wearing suits. this shows that its a broadsheet as this is hard news. this also shows the context of the time as the us and uk have good relations. this further solidifies that the observer cover is a broadsheet. 

lastly the genre conventions are seen in the traditional masthead. the masthead is in black and white and serif forn nd upper case letters to start it but lower case in the actual word. this shows that its a serious newspaper as it follows rules of grammer and it looks very serious. the lack of colour further shows this as its a convention for broadsheets to not have a colourful masthead. this is also shown with the serif font which also shows tah tits serious as its not blocky and is more like handwriting which shows its more traditional which shows its a broadsheet. 

To conclude the observer cover reflects the genre convention's of a broadsheet newspaper through the media language of the main image, copy and masthead. 


Do Now: language 




2.cold war and vietnam war racism patriarchy  

3. Ukraine war more excepting of sexuality 

PPE exam dirt                                                                                                       Wednesday 15th April 24

L/O:To reflect on the exam and identify areas of improve 

Q6. age laws/central body regulating it     too rapid so the law cannot keep out main image which is common for a broadsheet as they usually have one main image. this is seen with how it doesn't take up much space as well. 

the high amount of copy also provides evidence for it being a broadsheet as it broadsheets have a much larger volume of text. 

Q9. the representations are typical for an observer cover because of the main image. On this image is shows serena williams and Andy Murray this shows its typically it has both genders shown in an unsexulaised light. this breaks stereotypes as its also multi-cultural which further shows that its an observe newspaper as its liberal. This mid-shot shows the mid action which further shows the positive representations which shows how the observe newspaper is liberal which further proves that it is a observer cover. 

Q10:gender, race , poor photography, lots more copy .  


Do Now                                                                                                                    Monday 22nd April 24 

1. the values and beliefs of the observer is left. change progress equity and supporting others. 

2. conventions of a broadsheet is that there a lot of copy and only 1 main image. a larger black and white masthead at the top. usually hard news about polotics and war. 

Exam format Q9

L/O:To explore the exam format and content for the News unit. 



media Language 






.main image- shot type, angle, mice-en-scene 



.colour pallet 

.sky box 




gender roles 



looks like a broadsheet. 

The observers cover reflect the conventions of a broadsheet newspaper through the use of media language. This is shown with the sophisticated lexis which his a genre convention of a broadsheet newspaper as it shows its for a middle class audience. this shows that the observe establishes itself as a broadsheet newspaper. this is further shown with the layout. having 1 main image and lots of copy is another genre convention as a broadsheet usually has more copy than images. this is further explored with the black and white serif masthead which is placed below the skybox which further shows its a broadsheet newspaper as it looks serious and formal which his a convention for a newspaper. The skybox also shows its a broadsheet as it attracts a middle class audience which is a convention of a broadsheet as its mainly read by middle class people .lastly the observers colour pallet is very black and white with the exemption of the skybox which solidify the conventions that it is a broadsheet newspaper. in conclusion the observer is a broadsheet newspaper.


media language 




Q10 Modern analysis                                                                                               Monday 29th April 24 

L/O:To explore the contextual issues of news in a modern newspaper 

Do Now:

soft news lots of images and not a lot of copy red masthead more celeb culture. 

lots of copy and not many image's black/white masthead hard news 

a skybox 1 main image the audience is middle class which is reflected with the foody skybox. black/white masthead inclusive news. 

More context:

The hard news about polotics further shows that it is a broadsheet as it attracts the well educated middle class audience who know a lot and enjoy polotics. This is also see with the serif black/white font which is seen as quite formal which shows that its for upper to middle class as they are more formal. This further shows that its a broadsheet. 

context: the history and what its about. 

modern context:

1.war-russia Ukraine, Palestine israel 

2.racism is less more equity for cultures. 

racial equality by supporting blm, more multicultural from writers from ethnic backgrounds 

3.less of a patriarchy more equality for women 

4.more technology-phone laptops internet 

5.consumerism-buying things 

article on garden furniture 


7. more equity for diffrent sexes 


social and cultural contexts influence print newspaper today as seen in the observer newspaper. the equity for all cultures and genders and sexuality's are see and more consumerism.

first there is more equity in the world today as seen by the way the observer is influenced. this is seen in articles and main images which multicultural people on it. this paints them in a positive light as they are being included and talked about in a positive light in main stream news. this shows that there is greater light for minorities. this shows how todays social contexts news as back in the 60s it was completely diffrent as rasism was seen as not bad which is juxtaposed with todays social context which shows how it is influenced. 

To conclude it shows that social and cultural context influence todays news paper to create more equality and information about different cultures. 


  1. 8/1/24- 2.Great notes today, well done. Keep engaged in class discussions and answering questions.


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